道歉 Apologizing
学习主题 Subject 什么样的情况下中国人会跟别人道歉?你知道怎么用汉语道歉吗?Under what circumstances would the Chinese express their regret? And, how can you express your regret in Chinese?重点词 Key Words对不起 duìbuqǐ v. sorry没关系 méi guānxi IE. never mind不好意思 bùhǎoyìsi IE. feel embarrassed; excuse me没事儿 méishìr IE. not at all抱歉 bào qiàn v. be sorry; regret真 zhēn adv. Really; truly; indeed会话示例 Dialogue会话1在办公室门口,两位同事突然撞到了一起。Ⅰ(At the door to an office, two colleagues bump into each other.)对不起,对不起。A: Duìbuqǐ, duìbuqǐ.I'm sorry.没关系。B: Méi guānxi.It's OK.(发现笔坏了。)(A finds that the pen is broken.)笔坏了,真不好意思。A: Bǐ huài le, zhēn bùhǎoyìsi.I'm sorry. The pen is broken.没事儿,没事儿。B: Méishìr, méishìr.No problem.2小王聚会时迟到了。Ⅱ(Xiao Wang is late for a party.)小王,快请进,快请进。大家都在等你呢。A: Xiǎo Wáng, kuài qǐng jìn. Dàjiā dōu zài děng nǐ ne.Xiao Wang, come on in. Everyone's waiting for you.不好意思,我来晚了。小王: Bùhǎoyìsi, wǒ lái wǎn le.Xiao Wang:I'm sorry.没关系。A: Méi guānxi.It's all right.路上堵车。小王:Lùshang dǔ chē.Sorry I'm late. I was held up in a traffic jam.小王到了。A: Xiǎo Wáng dào le.Xiao Wang's here.诸位,抱歉,抱歉。小王: Zhūwèi, bào qiàn bào qiàn.Sorry, everyone.