……来着……lái zhe用法说明忘记某事时常用“……来着”,一般直接加在疑问句之后。 “……来着” is used at the end of question to express that you have forgot..
爱……不……Aì……bu……It’s up to you 爱……不……Aì……bu……It’s up to you用法说明“爱 A 不 A”是一个固定结构。说话的人一般想要对方选择A这个动作,但是对方一般没有按照说话人的意思去做,所以说话
别这么想bié zhème xiǎngdon’t think that way用法说明“别这么想”用于告诉对方所假设的的结果不会发生,有安慰的意思,可以放在对话一方句子的最前面。“别这么想” is used to tell the ot..
车到山前必有路Chē dào shānqián bì yǒulùPeople always find a way. 车到山前必有路Chē dào shānqián bì yǒulùPeople always find a way. 用法说
等一下děng yī xiàwait a moment 等一下děng yī xiàwait a moment用法说明“等一下”一般用来回应对方的要求,请对方稍等,是一种比较礼貌的说法。可以单独用,也可以放在主语后面。“等一下” is u.
名不正言不顺míng bú zhèng yán bú shùnTo be wrong/undeserving用法说明“名不正言不顺”是儒家思想理论的一种,指名分不正或名实不符。有贬义的意思。“名不正言不顺” is part of Con..
坚持就是胜利jiānchí jiù shì shènglìSuccess belongs to those who persist 坚持就是胜利jiānchí jiù shì shènglìSuccess belongs to those
不可同日而语bùkě tóng rì’ér yǔcannot be compared with用法说明“不可同日而语”是说两个人或者事情不能放在同一时间谈论,形容不能相提并论,不能相比。“不可同日而语” refers to two pe..
别见外bié jiàn wàiDon’t stand on ceremony用法说明“别见外”是说对方太客气,让人觉得不好意思,所以可以用“别见外”来告诉对方不要客气。When someone is so polite that he o.
比如说bǐ rú shuōfor example用法说明“比如说”是通过举例来证实或者说明所谈论的事情。People use “比如说” to list examples in order to prove or explain a po.
大人不计小人过dàrén bújì xiǎorén guòA great man rarely stoops to pettiness or harbors grievance for past wrongs 大人不计小人过dàrén bú
谁说的?Shúi shuō de ?Who told you so? That’s far from the truth. 谁说的?Shúi shuō de ?Who told you so? That’s far from the tru
好了伤疤忘了疼hǎo le shāngbā wàng le téngforgetting pain after recovery用法说明“好了伤疤忘了疼”是说疤痕好了后就忘了伤病时的疼痛,比喻过上了舒心的日子就忘了以前的苦日子,不能从过去.
江山易改,本性难移 jiāngshān yìgǎi,běnxìng nányíold habits die hard 江山易改,本性难移 jiāngshān yìgǎi,běnxìng nányíold habits die hard用法说
百闻不如一见Bǎi wén bù rú yī jiànIt is better to see for oneself than to hear of something many times. / Seeing is believing..