2008年英译汉全文 (仍在修改中,有错误请指正) In his autobiography, he points out that he alwaysexperienced much difficulty in express
2009年英译汉全文 (仍在修改中,有错误请指正,感谢)There is a markeddifference between the education which every one gets from livingwith other
2010年英译汉试题全文译文 (仍在修改中,有错误请指正) One basic weakness in a conservation system basedwholly on economic motives is
写在前面: 早就对自己七八年前写的那本书看不惯了,所以,想好好修订一下,尤其是所有考研真题的全文译文。下决心,好好修改修改。于是乎,从今天开始,我每天校对一篇。这里发布的译文,是经过认真校对之后,发布给大家的,但仍然担心有错。尤其是有些句子
说得更具体一点,可以寻找下面一些“信号词”来对英语句子进行拆分,进而更加有效的理解英语原文: 1. 基本原则:把主句和从句拆分出来,把主干部分和修饰部分拆分出来。 2. 连词:如and, or, but,
题型三,单独句子翻译: (1) Even as the technological progress lightens some of the librarians’ load, recent convention of
2003年英译汉全文仍在修改中,有错请指出,谢谢。Human beings inall times and places think about their world and wonder at theirplace in it. Hum
2004年英译汉全文仍在修改中,有错请指出,谢谢。The relation of language and mind has interestedphilosophers for many centuries. 61) The Greeks
2005年考研英译汉全文 仍在修改中,有错请指出,谢谢。It is not easy totalk about the role of the mass media in this overwhelminglysignificant pha
2006年英译汉全文 仍在修改中,有错请指出,谢谢。Is it true that the American intellectual isrejected and considered of no account in his
2007年英译汉全文 仍在修改中,有错请指出,谢谢。The study of law has been recognized for centuries as a basicintellectual discipline in Europe
例11 中国的丝绸、茶和瓷器(porcelain)……,并在一定程度上改变了许多西方人的生活方式。 Chinese silk, tea and porcelain…and transformed to a certain extent
2.找谓语 既然确定了英语译文的主语,那么谓语就相对主语也确定了。其实确定谓语相对于确定主语而言要轻松得多,因为英语句子中,只有动词才能做谓语。但是,汉语的谓语相对英语谓语就复杂的多。通过下表我们可以看出汉语和英语两种语言中谓语的区别
1.定主语 所谓“定主语”,就是要明确汉语句子中哪一个词或者短语可以用来做英语译文的主语。一旦确定了主语就可以把整个英语译文的基本句式确定下来。通常有以下几种确定主语的方式: 1)