创意新职业——"陪逛"New Career—Shopping Partner
都说爱好与职业很难并顾,但有的人却能二者兼得。近日,网络论坛上 "陪逛月入2000元"的帖子风生水起。利用自己的专长陪人逛街成了一种青年人的创意新职业, "陪逛"也在北京、上海等城市慢慢兴起。It is commonly accepted that it is difficult to combinecareer and interests together. However, some ones can do it well. Recently, an article posted in a forum with the title of "Professional Shopping Partner with 2000 yuan Earned per Month" was re-twittered by many people. This new occupation created by some youngsters who are experts in shopping now comes into vogue in Beijing and Shanghai. 90后女孩小李学的是服装设计专业。无奈服装设计师行业门槛较高,于是她就在论坛上以"色彩姐姐"自称,免费帮网友搭配衣服。渐渐地她的名气越来越大,现在她成了"专业陪逛"。"给职业女性选购衣服,面料质感非常重要,其次颜色要端庄......"说起"陪逛"心得,小李开始滔滔不绝。Xiao Li, a girl born after 1990, majors in Costume Designing but finds it is difficult to be a stylist in the field. She then names herself as "Sister Color" in one forum and teaches people how to match clothes online. She becomes famous gradually and now is a professional shopping partner. Talking about her new career, Xiao Li has a lot to say: "Buying Clothes for working women, the most important thing is the quality of the fabric, and then the colors should be elegant..." Mike是一名室内设计师,工作之外他的身份也是"陪逛"。他说:"陪逛不但能充分发挥我的专业优势,而且如果能为客户买到物廉价美的货品,还可以扩大我的社交圈,拓展业务客户群。"Mike is an interiordesigner and a part-time "shopping partner". "Helping others to buy things not only makes the most of my professional advantages, but also expands my social circle", he said. 如果你也具备一双挑选衣服的"慧眼",不妨也加入到"陪逛"的队伍中来吧。If you have a gift for shopping, you might want to join them and become a "Shopping Partners".