一起去婺源看油菜花 Go to see rape flower in Wuyuan
白墙黛瓦,小桥流水,大片大片金黄色的油菜花,这一切构成了一幅生机勃勃的江南春色图,这就是被誉为"中国最美乡村"的婺源。The white walls, black tiles, running river under the bridge and field of golden rape flowers, forms a scene of spring in south Yangtze River. Perhaps this is why Wuyuan is named "the most beautiful village in China". 婺源位于江西省东北部,历史悠久,名人辈出,是徽派文化的发源地之一。由于保护得当,这里存留着大量的明清古建筑。这些建筑清一色白墙黑瓦,檐角飞翘,层层叠叠,简洁淡雅中透着灵动之美。进入屋内则是另一种景象,处处装饰着精美的砖雕、木雕,极尽繁复精致之美。如今,一些民居会面向游客提供住宿服务。如果有机会在里面住上一晚,亲身体会一下徽派的建筑之美,是一个不错的选择。Located in Northeastern Jiangxi, the village has a long history. With many famous personages born in Wuyuan, it is often called the birth place of Huizhou culture. Thanks to good preservation policies, many historic buildings from the Ming and Qing Dynasty still remain standing. All of the buildings have the same white walls and layered black tiles. The simple and elegant beauty pervades the entire village. It's different when you enter the room. Exquisite tile and wood carvings are everywhere, displaying a complicated and refined beauty. Nowadays, some residents provide accommodation to tourists. The home-hotel would be a wonderful choice if you have the chance to stay for one night and experience the beauty of Huizhou architecture in person. 除了古香古色的建筑可以欣赏,婺源的自然风景也值得称道。尤其是春天,那里的景色更是分外迷人。每到三月份,漫天遍野盛开着金灿灿的油菜花,灿烂、热烈而又壮观,为青山环绕、粉墙黛瓦的婺源增添了一份别样的生机。现在正值婺源最美的时节,收拾行装,让我们一起去婺源看油菜花吧。Besides the historic beauty, the natural scenery of Wuyuan is also highly prized. The scenery is very charming, especially in spring. In March, golden rape flowers bloom all over the farmland, which is both splendid and glorious, adding vitality to Wuyuan. Spring is truly the best season in Wuyuan. Let's get packed and go there to see rape flowers!