It was dirty and broken in places. He cleaned it and fastened the pieces together. The helmet had no...
These books were called books of chivalry, and sometimes the results of reading them were very s er...
The girl was used to the strange, mad acts of her uncle. She wished to please h im, and replied, "Y...
His Imagination ql Everything in the room was quiet, but the reader was becoming more and more in...
Don Quixote Decides To Be a Knight-Errant The Reader About three hundred and fifty years ago, in t...
Then I will send him to my lady, to kneel in front of her. He will then say, 'Lady, I am the giant,...
唐诗宋词-燕歌行并序 乐府 高适 燕歌行并序 开元二十六年,客有从御史大夫...
唐诗宋词翻译:燕歌行并序 乐府 高适 燕歌行并序 开元二十六年,客有从御史大夫张公出塞而还者, 作燕歌行以示适,感征戍之事,因而和焉。 汉家烟尘在东北, 汉将...
《大学》中英文版 第二节 修定生慧篇『2』知止而後有定;定而後能静;静而後能安;安而後能虑;虑而後能得。The point where to rest being known, the object ...
《大学》中英文版 第一节 明明德篇The Great Learning By Confucius Written ca. 500 B.C.E前言总纲(右经一章,盖孔子之言,而曾子述之;其传十章,则曾子...
《大学》中英文版第四节 格物修身篇『4』古之欲明明德於天下者先治其国。欲治其国者先齐其家。欲齐其家者先修其身。欲修其身者先正其心。欲正其心者先诚其意。欲诚其意者先致其知。致知在格物。The ancie...
《大学》中英文版第三节 进道篇『3』物有本末;事有终始。知所先後则近道矣。Things have their root and their branches. Affairs have their e...
《大学》中英文版 第六节 修身为本篇『6』自天子以至於庶人台是皆以修身为本。其本乱而末治者,否矣。其所厚者薄而其所薄者厚,未之有也。From the Son of Heaven down to the...
《大学》中英文版 第五节 修齐治平篇『5』物格而後知至。知至而後意诚。意诚而後心正。心正而後身修。身修 而後家齐。家齐而後国治。国治而後天下平。Things being investigated, k...
《大学》中英文版 第八节《盘铭》篇第二章 (右传之二章,释新民。)『1』汤之盘铭曰:「苟日新,日日新,又日新。」On the bathing tub of T'ang, the following w...