《中庸》中英文版第二十四章 诚意--不能只做到自我完善“诚者,自成也;而道,自道也。诚者,物之终始,不诚无物。是故君子诚之为贵。诚者,非自成己而已也,所以成物也。成己,仁也;成物,知也。性之德也,合外...
《中庸》中英文版第二十六章 修身--明哲保身,进退自如“大哉圣人之道!洋洋乎发育万物,峻极于天。优优大哉!礼仪三百,威仪三千,待其人然后行。故曰:苟不至德,至道不凝焉。故君子尊德性而道问学,致广大而尽...
《弟子规》中英文版第一章 入则孝(1)Chapter 1 On Being Filial at HomeChapter 1 At Home, Be Dutiful to My Parents父母呼。应...
《弟子规》中英文版总叙Preface Outline弟子规。圣人训。These are the rules for being a student handed down to us by Anci...
《弟子规》中英文版 第一章 入则孝(3)谏不入。悦复谏。If they cannot accept your advice, wait for an opportune time.If they do...
《弟子规》中英文版 第一章 入则孝(2)物虽小。勿私藏。Although a thing may be small, do not save it just for yourself.Even tho...
《弟子规》中英文版 第二章 出则悌(2)称尊长。勿呼名。In speaking to those who are older, use the proper terms of respect.When...
《弟子规》中英文版 第二章 出则悌(1)Chapter 2 On Practicing True Brotherhood chapter 2 Standards for Brothers At Hom...
《弟子规》中英文版 第三章 谨(1)(On Being Careful)Chapter 3 Be Cautious in My Daily Life朝起早。夜眠迟。In the morning it’...
《弟子规》中英文版 第二章 出则悌(3)尊长前。声要低。Speak softly in front of your elders, in a low voice that pleases the ea...
《弟子规》中英文版 第三章 谨(4)人问谁。对以名。If someone should ask who you are, you should answer by giving your name.I...
《弟子规》中英文版 第三章 谨(3)执虚器。如执盈。入虚室。如有人。You should carry an empty container, Just as carefully as one that...
《弟子规》中英文版 第三章 谨(2)对饮食。勿拣择。Do not fuss and complain about tastes when you are given something to eat....
《弟子规》中英文版 第四章 信(1)Chapter 4 On Being HonestChapter 4 Be Trustworthy凡出言。信为先。Whatever it is that you s...
《弟子规》中英文版 第四章 信(3)若衣服。若饮食。If your wardrobe is seldom in fashion and your home is simple and plain,If...