









歌名:Anyone Of Us 歌手:Gareth Gates

I've been letting you down, down

Girl I know I've been such a fool

Giving into temptation

I should have played it cool

I hope you understand

The situation got out of hand

Anyone you think of

Anyone can fall

Anyone can hurt someone they love

Hearts will break

Cos I made a stupid mistake

It can happen to anyone of us

It can happen to anyone of us

I hope you understand

Anyone you think of

Anyone can fall

Anyone can hurt someone they love

Hearts will break

Cos I made a stupid mistake

It can happen to anyone of us

Say you will forgive me

It can happen to anyone of us

Anyone can fail

Say you will forgive me

Say you will believe me

Anyone can fail

I can't escape

Say you will believe me

My heart will break

I can't escape

Cause I made a stupid mistake

My heart will break

A stupid mistake

Cause I made a stupid mistake

A stupid mistake

She was kind of exciting

A little crazy

I should have known

She must have altered my senses

As I offered to walk her home

A stupid mistake

She means nothing to me

Nothing to me

I swear every word is true

I don't wanna lose you

The situation got out of hand

The situation got out of hand

I hope you understand

Anyone you think of

Anyone can fall

Anyone can hurt someone they love

Hearts will break

Cos I made a stupid mistake

It can happen to anyone of us

Say you will forgive me

Anyone can fail

Say you will believe me

I can't escape

My heart will break

Cause I made a stupid mistake

A stupid mistake

It can happen to anyone of us

Anyone you think of

Anyone can fall

Anyone can hurt someone they love

Hearts will break

Cos I made a stupid mistake

A stupid mistake

2001年的夏天,葛瑞盖斯排除天生的语言障碍,参加英国当红选秀节目[Pop Idol]的比赛,他那如大男孩般真诚呵护歌词情感的歌声,经过半年多、一万名参赛者的激烈考验,2002年2月以四百多万call-in投票赢得亚军歌手的荣衔(*冠军为Will Young)。2002年3月,葛瑞以一首重新诠释正义兄弟合唱团(The Righteous Brothers)的招牌歌"Unchained Melody奔放的旋律",不仅创下金氏世界纪录史上英国金榜最年轻(17岁)的冠军单曲歌手纪录,他发自真心的歌声不愠不火的点燃无悔的情意,为青春世代竖立全新的歌声典范。

在[Pop Idol]选秀赛中,初试啼声唱出Westlife冠军曲"Flying Without Wings为爱而飞"之前,葛瑞曾是一个患有严重口吃的男孩,仅管成长岁月满是挫折,但上天却恩赐他另一种表达自我的方式--歌唱的天赋。每当他唱歌时,总能恰如其分的掌握歌曲的情意,用歌声引起听者的心灵共鸣,而他那双水汪汪的棕色眼眸,也让他的实力嗓音转化成难以言喻的偶像亲和力。除了拥有一副美好的歌喉,葛瑞更精通钢琴、古典吉他、空心吉他、电吉他与鼓等乐器,还兼具词曲创作天份。在报名[Pop Idol]选秀比赛的前几个礼拜,葛瑞盖斯也投入一项名为[莫奎尔计划](McGuire Programme)的口吃治疗课程,逐步克服口吃障碍。就在赢得[Pop Idol]亚军后,葛瑞也成为百事可乐的英国广告代言人。

葛瑞盖斯的首张大碟[What My Heart Wants To Say我心声处]发行首周雷霆登陆英国金榜亚军,首首都是纯度超真的心声告白,包括:感动[Pop Idol]1300万收视观众、蝉连英国金榜3周冠军、同时获得英国金榜年度唱片奖的"Unchained Melody奔放的旋律",2002年7月初空降英国金榜冠军风采迷人力作"Anyone Of Us(Stupid Mistake)我们都会错",再造猫王经典跨世纪冠军神采的"Suspicious Minds猜疑的心"(迪士尼金奖提名动画片[星际宝贝]片尾曲),2002年圣诞假期闯进英国金榜TOP 5的自我表白小品"What My Heart Wants To Say我心声处"。葛瑞盖斯的歌唱实力在2003年的全英音乐奖上获得见证,"Unchained Melody奔放的旋律"、"Anyone Of Us(Stupid Mistake)我们都会错"包办最佳流行单曲双项提名,自己也入围最佳流行艺人。素有英国乐坛指标的Smash Hits杂志更颁发[最佳流行新人奖]、[最佳男艺人]、[最性感男艺人]、[最佳拖把奖]、(*发型)等4项大奖。此时的葛瑞盖斯真是意气风发!任谁也无法抗拒他的巨星锋芒!

01. Unchained Melody 奔放的旋律 -英国金榜冠军单曲,并荣获英国金榜年度唱片

02. Anyone Of Us(Stupid Mistake) 我们都会错 -英国金榜冠军单曲

03. Sentimental 多愁善感

04. Suspicious Minds 猜疑的心 -英国金榜冠军单曲

05. Downtown 霓虹城市

06. What My Heart Wants To Say 我心声处 -英国金榜Top 5单曲

07. Good Thing 美好的事

08. Too Serious Too Soon 太认真太心急

09. It Ain t Obvious 迷蒙的爱

10. With You All The Time 时时刻刻

11. (I ve Got No)Self Control 无法自拔

12. Tell Me One More Time 再说一次

13. Alive 重生

14. One And Ever Love 唯一的爱

15. Walk On By 轻轻走过

16. That s When You Know 那个时候

最后由 甜甜圈ceci 于 2006-09-10 23:42 编辑

