上海世博会通过先进科学技术还原了一件世界瞩目的展品——《清明上河图》,让中外参观者直观地了解到我国古代人们在清明期间的生活方式及活动内容。如今,清明节已被国家增设为法定节假日,于是现代人的清明节也悄然发生了变化。 Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival, a world-famous art of painting, was renovated by advanced technology in Shanghai World Expo 2010, which gives viewers a chance to know what ancient people would do during Qingming Festival in China. Nowadays, this festival has been made as a national holiday in China but people's activities on this day is no longer the same with the ancient ones. 清明节有三天假期。很多人并不在清明的当天扫墓,而特意把扫墓放在清明前,这样就可以放松地享受清明节小长假了。清明节的小长假全家出游或者几个朋友一起自驾游也成为了一种时尚:小王一家准备到离北京较近的秦皇岛玩几天,张小姐则早早地就和朋友约好了去北京郊区自驾游,目的地就是郊区的草莓采摘园。 People get three days off for the holiday. Most people would not visit graves of the deceased on the specific time of Tomb Sweeping Day; instead, they choose to do it before the date, so they can have an enjoyable and relaxed long weekend when they can go for a spring outing with families or drive to the neighboring sight spots with friends: Xiao Wang and his family is going to make a trip at Qinhuangdao island near Beijing; while Miss Zhang has already planned to travel to the suburb of Beijing with her friends for picking strawberries. 居家休闲也是众多白领的选择。在外企工作的赵小姐准备趁着这几天"修养生息":"我要关掉手机睡到自然醒,然后不慌不忙起来收拾房间。然后,我会和朋友一起去菜市场,采购回来后自己动手做美味可口的家常菜。" Staying at home is also a choice for many white-collars. Miss Zhao, who works in a foreign company, prepares to make use of the holidays to have a good rest. She says she will turn off her cell phone, sleep as long as she wants and then give a thorough cleaning to her room. After that she will go shopping with friends and cook a good meal together.