电影《让子弹飞》使"让××飞"成为了如今的流行语,这其中,就包括"让汽车飞"这一人们关注的热点。The film Let the Bullets Fly has made "let sth. fly" a very popular structure, and many funny phrases are thus generated, among which "let the cars fly" is one of them that catches most attention.
从2011年5月1日起,我国将开始实行"醉驾入刑"的规定。近年来醉酒驾驶酿成的交通事故层出不穷,因此这条法规一出台,立刻得到了社会大众的支持,比如专职司机、私家车主、公司职员和企业白领等。"早就应该约束他们了。少了这些喝醉了乱踩油门的人,马路驾驶就安全多了。"人们这样评价新规的作用。Since May 1st, 2011, drunk driving has been formulated as a criminal offense in China. In recent years, the country has witnessed a series of outrageous accidents caused by drunk drivers. Therefore, the law has largely been embraced by people such as full-time drivers, private car owners, company workers and white-collars, etc. "There should be a law to punish this behavior long ago. The streets would be much safer without those drunk drivers." People commented on the new rule like this.
但是一些专家学者却对这一规定持不同意见,他们认为"醉驾入刑"可能会增加社会管理成本。也有不少市民表示对"醉驾入刑"并不清楚。家住双井小区的王女士和丈夫都是做生意的,经常要应酬喝酒。她认为这条规定对于他们来说有点苛刻。虽然众说纷纭,新法规的效果究竟如何,还需要实践来检验。However, some scholars have different ideas. They think that the new rule against drunk driving would increase the social management cost, and there are also some citizens who are still not so clear about the law. Ms Wang and her husband are running a business, who have to drink for social intercourse, complaining that the new rule is a little strict for them. As public opinions vary widely, the effect of the new rule still needs to be tested by practice.