

一起去桌游吧 Board Games


Board games refer to the games that are played on the table, which, different from sports or video games, require the participants to play face to face. Nowadays, famous board games such as Killers of the Three Kingdoms/Sanguosha and "Killing the Game" are very popular among the young people.


Board games are quite well received especially by the white collar workers. In the communities where white collars are many, some board-game bars are emerging. These bars have been regarded as a favorite place of recreation by the white collars after work.


Rules for board games are easy to learn but to win the game one needs good skills to maneuver. In the game, one's thinking ability, memory, strength of association and judgment will be trained and the white collar group is attracted most by the games just because their jobs primarilyinvolve these mental work required by the games. Besides, board games emphasize the direct communication and a lot of interaction among the participants since one's move is mainly based on the other's language, facial expressions and gestures, and thus makes the game a good way to enhance one's ability of self-expression. Not only can board games satisfy young people's psychological need for new things, but also enrich their spare time, improve their communicative ability and provide an opportunity to have fun with friends and colleagues. That's why they are so popular among the young. If you don't know what to do on the weekend, it might be a good idea to play board games with your friends.
