

like her. She was by no means beautiful; but,
as in other matters, I have my own prepossessions

on the subject of beauty. There was a good
deal of breeding in her. . . Breeding in women,

as in horses, is a great thing: a discovery, the
credit of which belongs to young France. It --

that is to say, breeding, not young France --
is chiefly to be detected in the gait, in the hands

and feet; the nose, in particular, is of the greatest
significance. In Russia a straight nose is rarer

than a small foot.
My songstress appeared to be not more than

eighteen years of age. The unusual suppleness of
her figure, the characteristic and original way she

had of inclining her head, her long, light-brown
hair, the golden sheen of her slightly sunburnt

neck and shoulders, and especially her straight
nose -- all these held me fascinated. Although

in her sidelong glances I could read a certain
wildness and disdain, although in her smile there

was a certain vagueness, yet -- such is the force
of predilections -- that straight nose of hers

drove me crazy. I fancied that I had found
Goethe's Mignon -- that queer creature of his

German imagination. And, indeed, there was a
good deal of similarity between them; the same

rapid transitions from the utmost restlessness to
complete immobility, the same enigmatical

speeches, the same gambols, the same strange

Towards evening I stopped her at the door
and entered into the following conversation

with her.
"Tell me, my beauty," I asked, "what were

you doing on the roof to-day?"
"I was looking to see from what direction the

wind was blowing."
"What did you want to know for?"

"Whence the wind blows comes happiness."
"Well? Were you invoking happiness with

your song?"
"Where there is singing there is also happi-

"But what if your song were to bring you

"Well, what then? Where things won't be

better, they will be worse; and from bad to good
again is not far."

"And who taught you that song?"
"Nobody taught me; it comes into my head

and I sing; whoever is to hear it, he will hear it,
and whoever ought not to hear it, he will not

understand it."
"What is your name, my songstress?"

"He who baptized me knows."
"And who baptized you?"

"How should I know?"
"What a secretive girl you are! But look here,

I have learned something about you" -- she
neither changed countenance nor moved her lips,

as though my discovery was of no concern to her --
"I have learned that you went to the shore

last night."
And, thereupon, I very gravely retailed to her all

that I had seen, thinking that I should embarrass
her. Not a bit of it! She burst out laughing

"You have seen much, but know little; and

what you do know, see that you keep it under lock
and key."

"But supposing, now, I was to take it into my
head to inform the Commandant?" and here I

assumed a very serious, not to say stern, de-

She gave a sudden spring, began to sing, and
hid herself like a bird frightened out of a thicket.

My last words were altogether out of place.
I had no suspicion then how momentous they

were, but afterwards I had occasion to rue

As soon as the dusk of evening fell, I ordered
the Cossack to heat the teapot, campaign fashion.

I lighted a candle and sat down by the table,
smoking my travelling-pipe. I was just about to

finish my second tumbler of tea when suddenly
the door creaked and I heard behind me the

sound of footsteps and the light rustle of a dress.
I started and turned round.

It was she -- my Undine. Softly and without
saying a word she sat down opposite to me and

fixed her eyes upon me. Her glance seemed
wondrously tender, I know not why; it re-

minded me of one of those glances which, in
years gone by, so despotically played with my

life. She seemed to be waiting for a question,
but I kept silence, filled with an inexplicable

sense of embarrassment. Mental agitation was
evinced by the dull pallor which overspread

her countenance; her hand, which I noticed
was trembling slightly, moved aimlessly about

the table. At one time her breast heaved, and
at another she seemed to be holding her breath.

This little comedy was beginning to pall upon
me, and I was about to break the silence in a

most prosaic manner, that is, by offering her a
glass of tea; when suddenly, springing up, she

threw her arms around my neck, and I felt her
moist, fiery lips pressed upon mine. Darkness

came before my eyes, my head began to swim.
I embraced her with the whole strength of

youthful passion. But, like a snake, she glided
from between my arms, whispering in my ear

as she did so:
"To-night, when everyone is asleep, go out

to the shore."
Like an arrow she sprang from the room.

In the hall she upset the teapot and a candle
which was standing on the floor.

"Little devil!" cried the Cossack, who
had taken up his position on the straw and had

contemplated warming himself with the remains
of the tea.

It was only then that I recovered my senses.
In about two hours' time, when all had grown

silent in the harbour, I awakened my Cossack.
"If I fire a pistol," I said, "run to the

He stared open-eyed and answered mechanic-

"Very well, sir."

I stuffed a pistol in my belt and went out. She
was waiting for me at the edge of the cliff. Her

attire was more than light, and a small kerchief
girded her supple waist.

"Follow me!" she said, taking me by the
hand, and we began to descend.

I cannot understand how it was that I did not
break my neck. Down below we turned to the

right and proceeded to take the path along which
I had followed the blind boy the evening before.

The moon had not yet risen, and only two little
stars, like two guardian lighthouses, were twink-

ling in the dark-blue vault of heaven. The heavy
waves, with measured and even motion, rolled

one after the other, scarcely lifting the solitary
boat which was moored to the shore.

"Let us get into the boat," said my com-

I hesitated. I am no lover of sentimental
trips on the sea; but this was not the time to

draw back. She leaped into the boat, and I
after her; and I had not time to recover my

wits before I observed that we were adrift.
"What is the meaning of this?" I said angrily.

"It means," she answered, seating me on the
bench and throwing her arms around my waist,

"it means that I love you!" . . .
Her cheek was pressed close to mine. and I felt

her burning breath upon my face. Suddenly
something fell noisily into the water. I clutched

at my belt -- my pistol was gone! Ah, now a
terrible suspicion crept into my soul, and the

blood rushed to my head! I looked round. We
were about fifty fathoms from the shore, and

I could not swim a stroke! I tried to thrust
her away from me, but she clung like a cat to

my clothes, and suddenly a violentwrench all but
threw me into the sea. The boat rocked, but I

righted myself, and a desperate struggle began.
Fury lent me strength, but I soon found that

I was no match for my opponent in point of
agility. . .

"What do you want?" I cried, firmly
squeezing her little hands.

Her fingers crunched, but her serpent-like
nature bore up against the torture, and she did

not utter a cry.
"You saw us," she answered. "You will tell

on us."
And, with a supernatural effort, she flung me

on to the side of the boat; we both hung half
overboard; her hair touched the water. The

decisive moment had come. I planted my knee
against the bottom of the boat, caught her by

the tresses with one hand and by the throat
with the other; she let go my clothes, and, in

an instant, I had thrown her into the waves.
It was now rather dark; once or twice her head

appeared for an instantamidst the sea foam,
and I saw no more of her.

I found the half of an old oar at the bottom of
the boat, and somehow or other, after lengthy

efforts, I made fast to the harbour. Making my
way along the shore towards my hut, I involun-

tarily gazed in the direction of the spot where,
on the previous night, the blind boy had awaited

the nocturnal mariner. The moon was already
rolling through the sky, and it seemed to me

that somebody in white was sitting on the shore.
Spurred by curiosity, I crept up and crouched

down in the grass on the top of the cliff. By

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