CIRCE 1 One day King Picus w as in the forest near his palace, hunting wild boars. He was mounted...
2 Then Psyche began long search for her lost Eros. She met Pan, Ceres, and Juno, one after another...
Soon it grew dark, and she heard her lover coming. That night she would not ta lk to him, therefore...
These envious women had brooded over their sister's superior fortune till their minds were full of w...
The next day the sisters came again to the high rock, and Zephyrus blew them down into the valle y,...
The voices you have heard are the voices of your hand-maidens, who will obey any commands that you g...
Evidently only one guest was expected, for there was but one chair and one cover. P syche, half afr...
After the last sound of human footsteps had died away, Psyche sat weeping and trembling, fearing ev...
Long before this the two elder of the three beautiful sisters had been married to kings' sons, a s ...
The god shook her till she was awake again, then sent her back to his mother with the box, while he ...
When you come to the river of the dead, Charon will ferry you over for one of your pieces of money. ...
The icy water gushed forth from a smooth rock, far higher than any one could climb, and as it rushed...
When Venus came at the close of the day, and saw that Psyche's task was finished, she was very m uc...
PSYCHE 1 A certain king had th ree daughters who were known far and wide for their beauty. The mo...
But after a secret has once been told, it is not so easy to hide it. After abo ut a year, some reed...