


If you follow these tips and guidelines you will get through this stage of your negotiation smoothly.

Tip 1: After summarizing the main points of the negotiation, any further action needed must be brought up and highlighted.

Tip 2: It's clear that another meeting is needed here so it should be stated and made clear.

Tip 3: After the need for another meeting is established, set a date for it (and time if possible)

Tip 4: Always check if the other party that you have mentioned everything and if they have anything else to add.

Tip 5: Checking with the other party before you close will mean this problem will not occur.

guideline (n.) 准则
summarize (v.) 总结
bring up 提出
highlight (v.) 使注意力集中于...
establish (v.) 确立
occur (v.) 发生
