年终奖的乐与愁 The happiness and
frustration of year-end bonus
春节即将来临,年终奖这个话题又悄然走热。对于众多工薪族来说,对年终奖的期盼似乎远远大于对新年的期盼。因为年终奖既是上级对自己工作的肯定,也是孝敬父母,改善生活的保证。但是不同行业、不同职位发放的年终奖差异很大,真是几家欢乐几家愁!With the imminentarrival of Spring Festival, the year-end bonus becomes a hot topic. To most salary earners, the anticipation of the year-end bonus seems to be much more than the anticipation of the New Year. The reason being, that a year-end bonus is not only positive affirmation of one's job performance , but also a guaranteed means to support parents and improve one's lifestyle . However there is huge difference in the bonus amount provided to those in different industries and positions; for some it is a cause for rejoicing, for others anxiety. 在国企工作的网友"燕子"说:"公司在元旦前,给我发了2万元年终奖。还不错。不但可以带爸妈去旅行,还可以买我心仪已久的ipone4s了!"An online friend named "Yanzi" working in a state-owned enterprise says, "It's good that our company gave me 20,000 RMB as year-end bonus. Not only can I take my parents on a trip, but also buy the iphone 4s which I have longed for." 做餐饮服务的"清风"则一脸的无奈。因为她怎么也没想到,自己盼星星盼月亮,结果老板给他们每人发了一箱馒头作为年终奖,说是讨个好彩头,明年要"蒸蒸日上"。真是郁闷!But "Qingfeng" who works in catering services was very frustrated. Although her expectations may have been unrealistic, she never thought that her boss would give each one of them a box of steamed buns as a year-end bonus. He said the buns were a good omen for next year. How depressing! 同样郁闷的还有在外企工作的"小石"。他的年终奖还没有发下来,就已经被女朋友作为爱情基金,存入银行了。现在他一点盼头都没有了。"Xiaoshi" who works in a foreign-invested enterprise was also let down. Before actually receiving his year end bonus, his girlfriend had decided to deposit the money in a bank account as a love fund. However, he has yet to receive the bonus and his future prospects are looking grim. 外企职员"璐璐"告诉大家,他们的年终奖有"时差",要根据业绩而定,通常在来年的六、七月才会发放。"Lulu", a worker in a foreign-invested enterprise told us that their year-end bonus had "jet lag" which usually means that it will be provided in June or July of next year, on the basis of performance.