


  本期我们介绍和 hungry 相关的各种表达法,注意体会其中的程度差别和情景差异。
If you want to eat something you are hungry. You may also want something very much so you might be hungry for knowledge or hungry for love. If you do hard physical work you can say it's hungry work because it makes you hungry.

1. What's for dinner? I haven't eaten all day and I am famished!

2. It is terrible people still go hungry and die of starvation.

3. I am not really hungry just a little peckish.

4. My pet dog has a ravenous appetite and always wolfs down his food.


5. I am so hungry I could eat a horse.

6. You want to have your cake and eat it! You can't have everything!

7. I don't believe it! If it's true I'll eat my hat!

8. I think you will find you are wrong and you will have to eat your words!

9. Modern business is a dog eat dog world. It's very competitive.

10. Bill is in a terrible mood today. What's eating him?

11. Everyone in the office does anything she asks them. She has them eating out of her hand.

12. Susan will have to eat humble pie and admit that she was wrong.

famish (v.) 使饥饿
ravenous (adj.) 极饿的
eat one's hat 敢打赌,非常确定
eat one's words 食言;认错道歉
dog eat dog 残酷无情的竞争
eating out of her hand 完全受某人控制
eat humble pie 低声下气地道歉

