


  本期我们介绍和 Old 相关的各种表达法,注意体会其中的程度差别和情景差异。后面有个小练习,可以一试身手。
All things must pass and the new and the young becomes old and in the way. Items pass their sell by date; people become set in their ways and buildings decrepit. Sometimes however age can also bring mellowness and maturity.

1. The history of ancient Egypt is fascinating.
2. The telephone system in my hotel is obsolete. It is antiquated and very old fashioned.
3. This piece of furniture is an antique. It is worth a fortune.
4. It is more polite to call someone elderly rather old.

5. The hotel is old and dowdy. It is a rundown dump!
6. Your quarrel with Peter is history. Let bygones be bygones.

7. John keeps telling that old chestnut about why did the chicken cross the road. Everyone knows that joke!
8. .Susan is an old flame. I was in love with her at college.
9. Another name for the flag of the USA is Old Glory.
10. The devil has many names including Old Nick and Lucifer.
11. My dad is too old to use email. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
12. Pete is a chip off the old block. Just like his father he has very little patience.
antiquated (adj.) 陈旧的
rundown (adj.) 脏且失修的
bygone (n.) 过去的事
old chestnut 陈词滥调
old flame [谑]旧情人
Old Glory 美国国旗的爱称
Old Nick 妖魔, 撒旦
a chip off the old block 脾气和父母一样的孩子(多指男孩)

