


  本期我们介绍和 wet 相关的各种表达法,注意体会其中的程度差别和情景差异。
Wet is something covered with or saturated with liquid, like a wet sponge. If something is not yet dry, like paint or ink, we say it is wet. It is also used to refer to the weather; if the weather is wet it is raining.


1. I hate this muggy weather, when everything is warm and damp.

2. My shoes were all soggy after walking through those puddles.

3. Let your shirt soak in water with detergent overnight. Then the stain will come out alright.

4. The dank cave reminded John of a cold damp cellar.

5. It is pouring with rain outside. I am completely drenched as I had no umbrella.

6. Before you put the stamp on the letter moisten the back with your tongue or a damp sponge.

7. His handshake was like a dead man's, all cold and clammy!


8. He is wet behind the ears with no real experience of working in a hospital.

9. Don't be such a wet blanket; I am sure it won't rain for our picnic.

10. The Queen didn't breast feed her baby; she had a wet nurse to do it for her.

11. Before diving down to investigate the wreck the divers put on their wet suits.

12. I am really thirsty. Let's stop in this pub and wet our whistle.
drench (v.) 湿透;浸透
moisten (v.) 弄湿
clammy (adj.) 冷而粘湿的
wet behind the ears 初出茅庐的,,乳臭未干的
a wet blanket 扫兴的人或物
wet nurse 奶妈, 乳母
wet suit 紧身潜水衣
wet one's whistle 润喉

