


  今天,我们给大家介绍 Monica Garruccio,她是一位优秀的女子足球运动员。Monica 和 Antonio 以足球结缘,后来两人携手步入婚姻的殿堂。婚后妇唱夫随,彼此支持,多幸福呀!我们去看看吧!

"But Torres won the league and qualified for the inaugural UEFA Women's Cup. It was far too good a chance to miss so we postponed 'the other project'."

Going into Europe with his wife and the team, he says, in words that Italian men might stereotypically use of other pursuits, "was a beautiful experience".

Far from causing arguments in the Garruccio household, the pair's relationship and sporting aspirations go hand in hand. "Sport should unite people, not divide them," Antonio says.

Certainly, in their case, it has done that. When they got married, on September 5, 1996, the whole team was at the wedding.

qualify (v.) 取得···的资格
inaugural (adj.) 创始的;最早的
postpone (v.) 推迟
stereotypically (adv.) 陈规地;老套地
pursuit (n.) 追逐
argument (n.) 争论
aspiration (n.) 志向
