


  今天我们主要介绍 David Elleray,他是英国最知名的国际级足球裁判之一。在本单元,他会告诉我们裁判在足球比赛中的角色是什么样的,他执法中一些难忘的经历,他还谈到作为一个足球裁判所应具备的素质。我们去看看吧······
David Elleray is a House Master at the well known Harrow School in London. He has been a teacher all his working life. But he is probably better known for his part-time job as one of England's top football referees.

'I started refereeing when I was a 13-year old having been hooked by the 1966 World Cup bug. So I started refereeing in early 1968, partly because although I was a reasonableplayer I wasn't a fantastic footballer and was going to be in the second team rather than the first team at school and wanted something more active as an involvement in the game rather than just being a spectator.

So I began refereeing at school, carried on through university, worked my way up through the amateur leagues and the pro leagues in England and became a linesman, as they were then called, in 1983 as on the football leaguedivisions 1,2 & 3 then became a First Division referee in 1986, some 14/15 years ago. I progressed to the international list of referees in 1992 and refereed in about 35 different countries throughout the world until the end of 1999 when I retired from the international list aged 45 and I'm now a Premier League referee only.'

House Master 男女舍监
hook (v.) 吸引
bug (n.) 痴迷
fantastic (adj.) 很棒的
spectator (n.) (比赛等的)观众(audience n.演出等的听众、观众)
amateur (adj.) 业余的
pro (adj.) 职业的(形容词 professional 的非正式用法)
division (n.) (足球联赛的)级
