
Nay! nay! A model which all women shall surpass, In flesh and blood ere long

thou shalt survey.

As works that draught, thou presently shalt greet A Helen in each woman
thou dost meet.

A Street - Faust Meets Margaret
Faust (Margaret passing by)

Faust And Margaret: The meeting of Faust and Margaret.]

Fair lady, may I thus make free To offer you my arm and company?

I am no lady, am not fair, Can without escort home repair.
(She disengages herself and exit.)

By heaven! This girl is fair indeed! No form like hers can I recall. Virtue she

hath, and modest heed, Is piquant too, and sharp withal. Her cheek's soft
light, her rosy lips, No length of time will e'er eclipse! Her downward glance

in passing by, Deep in my heart is stamp'd for aye; How curt and sharp her
answer too, To ecstasy the feeling grew!

(Mephistopheles enters.)

This girl must win for me! Dost hear?


She who but now passed.

What! She? She from confession cometh here, From every sin absolved and
free; I crept near the confessor's chair. All innocence her virgin soul, For next

to nothing went she there; O'er such as she I've no control!

She's past fourteen.

You really talk
Like any gay Lothario, Who every floweret from its stalk Would pluck, and

deems nor grace, nor truth, Secure against his arts, forsooth! This ne'er the
less won't always do.

Sir Moralizer, prithee, pause; Nor plague me with your tiresome laws!

To cut the matter short, my friend, She must this very night be mine, And if to

help me you decline, Midnight shall see our compact end.

What may occur just bear in mind! A fortnight's space, at least, I need, A fit
occasion but to find.

With but seven hours I could succeed; Nor should I want the devil's wile, So

young a creature to beguile.

Like any Frenchman now you speak, But do not fret, I pray; why seek To
hurry to enjoyment straight? The pleasure is not half so great, As when at first

around, above, With all the fooleries of love, The puppet you can knead and
mould As in Italian story oft is told.

No such incentives do I need.

But now, without offense or jest! You cannot quickly, I protest, In winning

this sweet child succeed. By storm we cannot take the fort, To stratagem we
must resort.

Conduct me to her place of rest! Some token of the angel bring! A kerchief

from her snowy breast, A garter bring me, - any thing!

That I my anxious zeal may prove, Your pangs to sooth and aid your love, A
single moment will we not delay, Will lead you to her room this very day.

And shall I see her? - Have her?

No! She to a neighbour's house will go; But in her atmosphere alone, The

tedious hours meanwhile you may employ, In blissful dreams of future joy.

Can we go now?

'Tis yet too soon.

Some present for my love procure!

Presents so soon! 'tis well! success is sure! Full many a goodly place I know,

And treasures buried long ago; I must a bit o'erlook them now.

Evening - A Small And Neat Room

(braiding and binding up her hair)
I would give something now to know, Who yonder gentleman could be! He

had a gallant air, I trow, And doubtless was of high degree: That written on
his brow was seen Nor else would he so bold have been.


Come in! tread softly! be discreet!
Faust (after a pause)

Begone and leave me, I entreat!
Mephistopheles (looking round)

Not every maiden is so neat

Faust (gazing round)
Welcome sweet twilight, calm and blest, That in this hallow'd precinct reigns!

Fond yearning love, inspire my breast, Feeding on hope's sweet dew thy
blissful pains! What stillness here environs me! Content and order brood

around. What fulness in this poverty! In this small cell what bliss profound!
(He throws himself on the leather arm - chair beside the bed)

Receive me thou, who hast in thine embrace, Welcom'd in joy and grief the
ages flown! How oft the children of a by - gone race Have cluster'd round this

patriarchal throne! Haply she, also, whom I hold so dear, For Christmas gift,
with grateful joy possess'd, Hath with the full round cheek of childhood, here,

Her grandsire's wither'd hand devoutly press'd. Maiden! I feel thy spirit haunt
the place, Breathing of order and abounding grace. As with a mother's voice it

prompteth thee, The pure white cover o'er the board to spread, To strew the
crisping sand beneath thy tread. Dear hand! so godlike in its ministry! The hut

becomes a paradise through thee! And here - (He raises the bed - curtain.)
How thrills my pulse with strange delight! Here could I linger hours untold;

Thou, Nature, didst in vision bright, The embryo angel here unfold. Here lay
the child, her bosom warm With life; while steeped in slumber's dew, To

perfect grace, her godlike form, With pure and hallow'd weavings grew!
And thou! ah here what seekest thou? How quails mine inmost being now!

What wouldst thou here? what makes thy heart so sore? Unhappy Faust! I
know thee now no more.

Do I a magic atmosphere inhale? Erewhile, my passion would not brook
delay! Now in a pure love - dream I melt away. Are we the sport of every

passing gale?
Should she return and enter now, How wouldst thou rue thy guilty flame!

Proud vaunter - thou wouldst hide thy brow, And at her feet sink down with

Quick! quick! below I see her there.

Away! I will return no more!

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