


Time, my good friend, will all that's needful give; Be only self - possessed, and
thou hast learn'd to live.

But how are we to start, I pray? Steeds, servants, carriage, where are they?

We've but to spread this mantle wide, 'Twill serve whereon through air to

ride, No heavy baggage need you take, When we our bold excursion make,
A little gas, which I will soon prepare, Lifts us from earth; aloft through air,

Light laden we shall swiftly steer; I wish you joy of your new life - career.
Auerbach's Cellar In Leipzig

A Drinking Party

No drinking? Naught a laugh to raise? None of your gloomy looks, I pray!
You, who so bright were wont to blaze, Are dull as wetted straw to - day.

'Tis all your fault; your part you do not bear, No beastliness, no folly.

(pours a glass of wine over his head)

There, You have them both!

You double beast!

'Tis what you ask'd me for, at least!

Whoever quarrels, turn him out! With open throat drink, roar, and shout.
Hollo! Hollo! Ho!

Zounds, fellow, cease your deaf'ning cheers! Bring cotton - wool! He splits

my ears.

'Tis when the roof rings back the tone, Then first the full power of the bass is

Right! out with him who takes offence! A! tara lara da!

A! tara lara da!

Our throats are tuned. Come let's commence!

The holy Roman empire now, How holds it still together?

An ugly song! a song political! A song offensive! Thank God, every morn To

rule the Roman empire, that you were not born! I bless my stars at least that
mine is not Either a kaiser's or a chancellor's lot. Yet 'mong ourselves should

one still lord it o'er the rest; That we elect a pope I now suggest. Ye know,
what quality ensures A man's success, his rise secures.

Frosch (sings)
Bear, lady nightingale above, Ten thousand greetings to my love.

No greetings to a sweetheart! No love - songs shall there be!

Love - greetings and love kisses! Thou shalt not hinder me!

Undo the bolt! in silly night, Undo the bolt! the lover wakes. Shut to the bolt!

when morning breaks.

Ay, sing, sing on, praise her with all thy might! My turn to laugh will come
some day. Me hath she jilted once, you the same trick she'll play. Some

gnome her lover be! where cross - roads meet,
With her to play the fool; or old he - goat, From Blocksberg coming in swift

gallop, bleat A good night to her, from his hairy throat! A proper lad of
genuine flesh and blood, Is for the damsel far too good; The greeting she shall

have from me, To smash her window - panes will be!
Brander (striking on the table)

Silence! Attend! to me give ear! Confess, sirs, I know how to live: Some love
- sick folk are sitting here! Hence, 'tis but fit, their hearts to cheer, That I a

good - night strain to them should give. Hark! of the newest fashion is my
song! Strike boldly in the chorus, clear and strong!

(He sings)
Once in a cellar lived a rat, He feasted there on butter, Until his paunch

became as fat As that of Doctor Luther. The cook laid poison for the guest,
Then was his heart with pangs oppress'd, As if his frame love wasted.

Chorus (shouting)
As if his frame love wasted.

He ran around, he ran abroad, Of every puddle drinking. The house with rage

he scratch'd and gnaw'd, In vain, - he fast was sinking; Full many an anguish'd
bound he gave, Nothing the hapless brute could save, As if his frame love


As if his frame love wasted.

By torturedriven, in open day, The kitchen he invaded, Convulsed upon the
hearth he lay, With anguishsorely jaded; The poisoner laugh'd, Ha! ha! quoth

she, His life is ebbing fast, I see, As if his frame love wasted.

As if his frame love wasted.

How the dull boors exulting shout! Poison for the poor rats to strew A fine
exploit it is no doubt.

They, as it seems, stand well with you!

Old bald - pate! with the paunch profound! The rat's mishap hath tamed his

nature; For he his counterpart hath found Depicted in the swollen creature.
Auerbach's Cellar - Faust And Mephistopheles Enter

Faust And Mephistopheles

I now must introduce to you Before aught else, this jovial crew, To show how
lightly life may glide away; With tse folk here each day's a holiday. With little

wit and much content, Each on his own small round intent, Like sportive kitten
with its tail; While no sick - headache they bewail, And while their host will

credit give, Joyous and free from care they live.

They're off a journey, that is clear, From their strange manners; they have
scarce been here An hour.

You're right! Leipzig's the place for me! 'Tis quite a little Paris; people there

Acquire a certain easy finish'd air.

What take you now these travellers to be?

Let me alone! O'er a full glass you'll see, As easily I'll worm their secret out,
As draw an infant's tooth. I've not a doubt That my two gentlemen are nobly

born, They look dissatisfied and full of scorn.

They are but mountebanks, I'll lay a bet!

Most like.

Mark me, I'll screw it from them yet!
Mephistopheles (to Faust)

These fellows would not scent the devil out, E'en though he had them by the
very throat!

Good - morrow, gentlemen!

Thanks for your fair salute.

(Aside, glancing at Mephistopheles,)
How! goes the fellow on a halting foot?

Is it permitted here with you to sit? Then though good wine is not forthcoming

here, Good company at least our hearts will cheer.

A dainty gentleman, no doubt of it.

You're doubtless recently from Rippach? Pray, Did you with Master Hans
there chance to sup?

To - day we pass'd him, but we did not stop! When last we met him he had

much to say Touching his cousins, and to each he sent Full many a greeting
and kind compliment. (With an inclination towards Frosch.)

Altmayer (aside to Frosch)
You have it there!

Faith! he's a knowing one!

Have patience! I will show him up anon!

We heard erewhile, unless I'm wrong, Voices well trained in chorus pealing?

Certes, most choicely here must song Re - echo from this vaulted ceiling!

That you're an amateur one plainly sees!

Oh no, though strong the love, I cannot boast much skill.

Give us a song!

As many as you will.

But be it a brand new one, if you please!

But recently returned from Spain are we, The pleasant land of wine and

A king there was once reigning, Who had a goodly flea

Hark! did you rightly catch the words? a flea! An odd sort of a guest he

needs must be.
Mephistopheles (sings)

A king there was once reigning, Who had a goodly flea, Him loved he without
feigning, As his own son were he! His tailor then he summon'd, The tailor to

him goes: Now measure me the youngster For jerkin and for hose!

Take proper heed, the tailorstrictlycharge, The nicest measurement to take,
And as he loves his head, to make The hose quite smooth and not too large!

In satin and in velvet, Behold the yonker dressed; Bedizen'd o'er with ribbons,

A cross upon his breast. Prime minister they made him, He wore a star of
state; And all his poor relations Were courtiers, rich and great.

The gentlemen and ladies At court were sore distressed; The queen and all
her maidens Were bitten by the pest, And yet they dared not scratch them,

Or chase the fleas away. If we are bit, we catch them, And crack without

Chorus (shouting)
If we are bit, &c.

Bravo! That's the song for me!

Such be the fate of every flea!

With clever finger catch and kill!

Hurrah for wine and freedom still!

Were but your wine a trifle better, friend, A glass to freedom I would gladly


You'd better not repeat those words again!

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