


海 The sea


顽皮的喜悦 The delight of naughty

在你的眼中滑过 skates over your eyes

依恋的感觉 obsessional feeling

在我的心中注入 wells up into my heart

对海的感觉 The feeling of sea

欢乐的 is delightful

至少如此 at least I think so

海的声音 The sound of sea

夹杂着生气 mixes with vitality

在我的心中传递 impresses my heart

开心的话语 delight words

甜静的空气 sweet air

搅动心里静寂 stirs the peace of the heart

海的印象 The impression of the sea

顽皮的 is naughty

至少表面如此 at it is

海的笑语 The laugh of the sea

带起波涛的翻滚 Followes the rolling of a great wave

一阵风飘过 A gust of wind has floated

雨随之而来 the rain following

打到你的身上 hits it on your body

你 You

嬉戏 play

玩闹 enjoy

与风共舞 dance with the wind

雨儿帮着伴奏 the rain makes the accompanying music

海的激情 The passion of the sea

因风的跳动 beats because of wild

海的欢乐 the happiness of the sea

因雨的歌唱 sings because of rain

这就是你 this is you

兴高采烈 in high spirits

自由自在 free

偶而嘻笑怒骂 Sometimes laugh and sometimes curse

而后一扫而空 then sweep away

对于你来说 For you

一切都是空气 All is the air

自然的 natural

虚渺的 formless

海还是海 sea is the sea

风还是风 wind is the wind

雨还是雨 rain is the rain

一切归附于平静 everything quiet down as usual

经过整理后,问题帖子的翻译就是这样的。请大家看看先。谢谢斑竹的付出,特别感谢Fred 和自由非飞的参与!


最后由 小茶儿 于 2006-08-02 09:11 编辑


