

  Fiona 在伦敦作女招待。她向朋友 John 讲了工作中的各种规定和自己的职责。听他们的对话,然后做下面的选择题

Talking about obligations - should / have to / don't have to

When we want to give advice we use should (must is very strong). For example 'You should wear comfortable shoes'.

When we talk about obligations we use have to or don't have to. For example 'I have to work 6 days a week', 'Do you have to work long hours?', 'I don't have to work every weekend'.

obligation (n.) 义务
should (v.) 应该
have to / don't have to 不得不/不必
must (v.) 必须
uniform (n.) 制服
boss (n.) 老板
tiring (adj.) 累人的
colleague (n.) 同事
