

  "Welcome to London" 是一个训练听力、阅读和口语的系列教程,它讲述 John 和 Fiona 抵达伦敦并在伦敦安顿下来的故事。如果你正在学习英语,并准备到伦敦访问或想在伦敦居住,或者你想对伦敦有何了解,那么这个教程就是为你量身打造的!本教程包括六个主题:交通、宾馆、电影院、购物、工作和外出就餐。今天是第二个主题 -- 宾馆的第二部分。

  在本页,John 在宾馆见到了他的室友。下面有一个阅读理解练习,这个练习的中心内容是他和这位室友和宾馆前台的对话。首先读下面的 exercise document,然后回答 flash 练习中的问题。
In the Hotel Room
John goes to his hotel room and meets one of his roommates, Peter. There is a problem with the heating in the room, so John rings reception to find out if it can be solved.

Click on the links below to read the text of John's conversations with Peter and the hotel receptionist. Then answer the questions in the Flash exercise. You can use the language tips to help you.

  Read exercisedocument 1. John's conversation with Peter.
  Read exercisedocument 2. John's conversation with the hotel receptionist.

Useful Links
Ten Days in Manchester. This in2english course contains language practice on checking in at a hotel.
Visit London - the Official Visitor Site for London. This site contains information about booking hotels in London.

Language Tips
Look at these language tips, then move on to Reading 2.

What's the matter? What's it like?
Here are two general questions that you can use in many different contexts:
What's the matter (with something)? Use this if there is a problem and you want to find out what is wrong.
What's it like? Use this when you want information about something.
roommate (n.) 室友
the heating (n.) 暖气
What's the hotel like? 这个宾馆什么样?
What's the matter with it? 怎么回事?
freezing (adj.) 极冷的
oversleep (v.) 睡过了
miss (v.) 错过了
snore (v.) 打呼噜
I didn't get a wink of sleep 我没合眼(我根本没睡)。
fix (v.) 修理
