


The Mirror
A ROOKIE policewoman was shot dead and a second WPCseriously wounded by armed raiders yesterday.

The Independent
It is feared that thousands of bomblets lie unexploded in Iraq, capable of maiming or killing innocent civilians. This week, more than two years after they were dropped, Britain is finally being held to account.

The Telegraph
Israel's electioncampaign got off to an electrifying start as Ariel Sharon, the prime minister, decided to resign from Likud and set up a new party.

The Times
More than half of women wish to postpone having children until they are 35 or older, risking the chance that they will not be able to conceive at all, according to research.
  Check thetranslation to make sure you understand the headlines well.
  Background: learn more about 'Likud'?
ROOKIE (n.) 新手(尤指未受过训练或没有经验的新警察)
WPC (n.) 女警官
raider (n.) 袭击者
bomblet (n.) 小炸弹
unexploded (adj.) 没有爆炸的
maim (v.) 残废
innocent (adj.) 无辜的
account (v.) 做出解释
electrifying (adj.) 令人震惊的
resign (v.) 辞职
Likud (n.) 利库德集团
postpone (v.) 推迟
risk (v.) 冒险
conceive (v.) 怀孕
