IntroductionCruising the Mediterranean is like embarking on a romantic odyssey. Warm breezes, sparkl...
IntroductionThe southern Caribbean offers a stunning array of cultural diversity. In one week, you c...
Rolling Down the RiverThe popularity of mega-cruises (despite some very bad recent press about sinki...
World's best Outdoor and Eco-Friendly Vacation IdeasEco-friendly vacations come in all shapes and si...
Cruise Vacation Ideas-Western CaribbeanIntroductionA cruise through the western Caribbean offers som...
老外生活方式大总结(2)1 要“风度”还是要“温度”?我现在住在美国犹他州盐湖城,其在地理位置上与北京纬度相当:夏天热得要死,冬天的雪下得也足够让盐湖城举办一次冬奥会了。但是我要告诉大家:我在这里即使...
老外形形色色的观念和生活习惯 1 冰水(ice water)和热水(water)老外喝什么东西都是要加冰的(偶尔茶和咖啡除外,但是仍有许多人喜欢喝冰茶或冰咖啡)。即使是在冰天雪地的冬天,他们也是如此。...
多伦多别样风情 Toronto is a big, beautiful and efficient city, one that has emerged from relative obscuri...
Independence Day of the United States of America I have been in the United States of America for 6 w...
退休后去哪里?澳洲最受青睐 Australia ranks tops for retirement Austral...
What is April Fools Day and how did it begin? Well, that is a very good question. The origin of this...
世界各地咖啡文化2008-02-21 各地咖啡文化 每个咖啡国度都有其特定的咖啡文化及饮用方式,赶快看看吧!•美国:百无禁忌美式风美国人喝咖啡,像进行一场不需要规则的游戏,随性放任,百无禁忌。欧洲...
Experiencing Scotland 感受美丽独特苏格兰Scotland is a unique and austere place, laden with history, where you...
世界城市之---米兰(意大利)Milan (Italy)The hard-working Milanese(米兰人)run their busy metropolis with efficiency ...
世界城市之---伦敦(英国) London (UK) Buckingham PalaceThe British capital is more eclectic and electric than ...