

Toronto is a big, beautiful and efficient city, one that has emerged from relative obscurity(不引人注目)over the past half century to become the center of culture, commerce and communications in Canada.

With its colorful ethnic mix, rich history and breathtaking (令人惊叹的) architecture, Toronto offers non-stop adventures for the willing tourist. To get a sense of how big, various and magical Toronto is, the best place to start is the CN Tower, the tallest free-standing (无支撑物的)structure in the world. From this vantage point(有利位置), visitors get a bird's-eye-view(鸟瞰)of the city's striking skyline and uniquegeography.

In addition to being an important cultural and commercial center, Toronto is also a major multiethnic metropolis(多种民族混居的大都市). The city's population numbers more than 4.5 million people, and its residents come from countries around the world and from all manner of ethnic backgrounds. On any given day, and in most quarters of the city, a hundred different languages can be heard on the streets, from Hindi(印度语)to Greek to French. This, perhaps, explains why former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau once said that Canada is really more a mosaic(马赛克式的)of cultures and languages than a melting pot(文化熔炉).

Street signs in Toronto are mostly in English. Weekly and daily newspapers are published in myriad(各种各样的)languages, and the city hosts a successful international film festival each September. It is also the second-largest live-theater venue on the continent (after New York), and is home to a popular baseball team, the Toronto Blue Jays. Simply put, Toronto has something for everyone.

Toronto's less well-traveled parts include the original Chinatown, laid out west along Dundas Street and running all the way to "new" Chinatown, near the Spadina Avenue and Dundas Street intersection. From here, it's just a short walk to the colorful, European-style Kensington Market, which abounds in fresh vegetables, poultry(家禽)and meats. Toronto is also a city filled with boutiques (服装店), restaurants, and cafes, and of course there are plenty of shopping opportunities in the Underground City, an 11 km subterranean(地下的)walkway lined with shops, banks, medical offices and theaters.

An often overlooked gem(精髓)of Toronto are the beach-fringed Toronto Islands. These eight tree-lined islands - and more than a dozen smaller islets(小岛)that sit in Lake Ontario just off the city's downtown - offer a welcome touch of greenery(做装饰的漂亮绿叶). They've been attracting visitors since 1833, especially during the summer months when the more than 550 acres of parkland are most irresistible(不可抗拒的). From here, you'll have spectacular(引人入胜的)views of Toronto's skyline, especially as the setting sun turns the city's skyscrapers to gold, silver, and bronze. If all this isn't enough, and you want something quirkier(奇特的), come in January for the annual ice canoe race, when five-man and woman teams haul canoes across the ice floes(浮冰)off Harbourfront Centre.
  • magical [´mædʒikəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.有魔术的,神奇的 六级词汇
  • vantage [´vɑ:ntidʒ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.优势;好机会 六级词汇
  • ontario [ɔn´tɛəriəu] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.安大略湖 六级词汇
  • downtown [,daun´taun] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.&a.在商业区 四级词汇
  • setting [´setiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.安装;排字;布景 四级词汇