老子《道德经》英译第七十九章 第七十九章 社会、人事制度【原文】和大怨,必有馀怨;安可以为善?是以圣人执左契,而不责于人。有德司契,无德司彻。天道无亲,常与善人。 【现代汉语】调解深重的怨恨,必然会有...
老子《道德经》英译第八十一章第八十一章 总论【原文】信言不美,美言不信。善者不辩,辩者不善。知者不博,博者不知。圣人不积,既以为人,己愈有,既以与人,己愈多。天之道,利而不害;圣人之道,为而不争。 【...
It was a hot summer's day in June, l754, theeighteenth year of the reign of Emperor Qian Long. Inthe...
Midday came and went, but there was no sign of anyoneon the road in front. Lu was surprised and wond...
"What are they doing in the border areas?" Yuanzhiasked."I have no idea," Lu rep...
Yuanzhi sat for a long time with her hands on hercheeks, annoyed that Lu would not teach her Yuedaok...
The bodyguard agency group started out first early thenext day, the shouter shouting the agency's ca...
Lu and Yuanzhi watched the whole fight through thewindow, and saw Zhang enter as the officers werele...
The heavy rain lasted all night. Next morning, havingwashed and combed her hair, Yuanzhi looked out ...
Chen held the dagger in his hands and stood watchingdumbly as Huo Qingtong caught up with the Muslim...
Lu Feiqing galloped westwards, braving strong windswhich whipped his face. Passing through Black Gol...
They travelled without incident for two days. Then,about ten miles from a village named Twin Wells, ...
Scholar' Yu, under orders to investigate thewhereabouts of Wen Tailai, made discreet enquiriesalong ...
Zhang had pursued glory and wealth with fervour and hehad risen in rank as fast as though swept upwa...
The column crossed Black Scabbard mountain, and thatnight another thirty or forty soldiers deserted....