On his way to visit his brother, Wu Song was at a place called Mount Jingyang. Though a bit drunk, ...
相关链接 林冲和鲁智深是结拜兄弟。一日,林冲的妻子在庙中烧香,被权臣高俅(?1126年)的儿子调戏,林冲得到报信后,把他们打跑,为此得罪了高俅。高俅设计陷害林冲,将林冲打二十军棍并发配沧州,还叮嘱...
相关链接 After killing the local tyrant Zhen Guanxi, for fear of being jailed, Lu Zhishen fled to Moun...
相关链接 One day Li Kui and Yan Qing, two heroes in liangshan Marsh, spent the night in the town of Ji...
相关链接 The armored cavalry deployed by Huyan Zhuo could not be destroyed unless barbed lances were u...