赵善庆·《落梅风·江楼晚眺》An Evening View of the Tower on River BankTo the Tune of Plum-sweeping WindZhao Shanqing枫枯叶,柳瘦丝,夕阳闲画阑十二。望晴
Without you?I'd be a soul without a purpose.Without you?I'd be an emotion without a heart.I'm a face without expressi...
How do I love thee? How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul c
钱起·《归雁》Return of the Wild GeeseQian QI潇湘何事等闲回?水碧沙明两岸苔。二十五弦弹夜月,不胜清怨却飞来。Why so soon have you come back only with Xiaoxiang
圣诞节将至,恒星小编为大家奉上圣诞节的英语小诗二首.第一首:Christmas is a holiday for friends,However they may be, or not, related.Remember that the
郑板桥·《画石》Bamboo in a PaintingZheng Banqiao乌纱掷去不为官,囊橐萧萧两袖寒。写取一枝清瘦竹,秋风江上作渔竿。To cast away my official position I’m ready,And
文嘉·《明日歌》Song of TomorrowWen Jia明日复明日,明日何其多。我生待明日,万事成蹉跎。世人若被明日累,春来秋去老将至。朝看水东流,暮看日西坠。百年明日能几何,请君听我明日歌。Tomorrow comes and ag
The Year's at the Spring ! --一年之计在于春Robert Browning --罗伯特·勃朗宁The year's at the springAnd day's at the morn;Morning's...
silent night 平安夜 silent night, holy night! all is calm, all is bright. round yon virgin, mother and child. holy infant s
彼富我仁,彼爵我义,君子固不为君相所牢笼;人定胜天,志一动气,君子亦不受造化之陶铸。Others have riches; I have a sprit of benevolence. Others have high rank; I ha
人生薪水寻常事,动辄烦君我亦愁。解用何尝非俊物,不谈未必定清流。空劳姹女千回数,屡见铜山一夕休。拟把婆心向天奏,九州添设富民侯。Money is spend in daily living,Quite often it causes you
苏轼·《试笔自书》Testing My Brush with These Words (1)Su Shi吾始至南海,环视天水无际,凄然伤之,曰:“何时得出此岛耶?”已而思之,天地在积水中,九州在大瀛海中,中国在四海中,有生孰不在岛者?覆盆水
李白·《客中行》For My HostLi Bai兰陵美酒郁金香,玉碗盛来琥珀光。但使主人能醉客,不知何处是他乡。How flavorous is your golden-hued Lanling wine!You fill my cup
韩愈·《初春小雨》Light Rain in Early SpringHan Yu天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无。最是一年春好处,绝胜烟柳满皇都。The royal streets are moistened by a creamlike