51. The Boys And The Frogs Some Boys, playing near a pond, saw a n umber of Frogs in the water, an...
50. The Ass And The Lapdog A Man had an Ass, and a Maltese Lapdog, a very great beauty. The Ass wa...
5. The Bat And The Weasels A Bat falling upon the ground was caught by a Weasel, whom he earnestly...
49. The Ass And The Mule A Muleteer set forth on a journey, drivin g before him an Ass and a Mule,...
48. The Horse And Groom A Groom used to spend whole days in curryc ombing and rubbing down his Hor...
47. The Lion, The Mouse, And The Fox A Lion, fatigued by the heat of a summer's day, fell fast asl...
46. The Labourer And The Snake A Snake, having made his hole close to the porch of a cottage, infl...
45. The Frogs Asking For A King The Frogs, grieved at having no es tablished Ruler, sent ambassado...
44. The Miser A Miser sold all that he had, and bought a lump of g old, which he took and buried i...
43. The Boy And The Filberts A Boy put his hand into a pitcher ful l of filberts. He grasped as ma...
42. The Wolf And The Crane A Wolf, having a bone stuck in his thro at, hired a Crane, for a large ...
41. The Lion In Love A Lion demanded the daughter of a woodcutter in marriage. The Father, unwilli...
40. The Boasting Traveller A Man who had travelled in foreign land s, boasted very much, on return...
4. The Father And His Sons A Father had a family of sons who were perpetually quarrelling among th...
39. The Goat And The Goatherd A Goatherd had sought to bring back a stray goat to his flock. He wh...