i want to take you back basically to my home town and to a picture of my home town of the week that emergence came outa.
is when are we going to get fusion it\'s really that that\'s why the sun shines i\'ve always been very worried abo...
my passion ever since i was old enough to pick up a camerabut today i want to share with youthe fifteen most treasured..
the really big stuff to go to the middle of nowhere black rock desert where dangerous things happen and the boys get big
now before you get up in armsor you pick a favorite color i want to define what i mean by revolutionnow why steve why ..
so i want to talk today about an idea it\'s a big idea actually i think it\'ll eventually be seen as probably the si...
i am not a farmerkids should not have to grow up and look at things like this and as jobs continue to leave my communit.
the advances that have taken place in astronomy cosmologyand biology in the last ten years are really extraordinary to .
a very complicated thing the ocean and it can be a very complicated thing what human health is and bringing those two to
talk to you about today is what it means is the web is going to become an exciting place again it\'s going to become s..
there is nothing bigger or older than the universewhere did we come fromhow did the universe come into beingare we al...
to you about today is some of the problems that the military of the western world australia united states u k and so on
i have no idea what we \'re going to play i won \'t be able to tell you what it is until it happens i didn \'t rea...
today i want to talk to you about ethnic conflict and civil war these are not normally the most cheerful of topics nor d
about my own happinesstrying to see if i can actually train my mind in a particular wayoverall well beingthen this ja...