This greeting is much newer than most people think. The use of hello as a greeting is only as old as...
残奥会的历史可以追溯到1948年,当时伦敦附近Stoke Mandeville医院的神经科大夫Ludwig Guttman爵士在医院内组织了第一次轮椅运动会,当年正值奥运会在伦敦举行,从此开创了残疾人...
下午茶的起源 英国人习惯喝下午茶。在下午四点左右的时候,泡上一杯香茗,配上几块精致的点心,享受一阵逸散的心情……就如一位英国作家所说,下午茶是自己对自己好的时间。在享受悠闲轻松的下午茶时,也让我们打...
美元的起源 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The origin...
thanks very much. Now ever wondered why your ancestors gathered where they did, or where others wi...
Most people might think that the fax machine, found in many offices and homes, is a relatively new p...