


  今天,我们给大家介绍 Monica Garruccio,她是一位优秀的女子足球运动员。她和丈夫妇唱夫随,他们是以足球结缘的,你想了解他们的故事吗?那就读读下面的短文吧!

Monica Garruccio spends her evenings training and her weekends playing football, for Serie Achampions, Torres, no less. In Italy, a country not known for its forward-thinkingtake on gender roles, Monica and Antonio begin to look like a more distinctive couple.

In Italy, as in the UK, football's long heritage as a sport for men has made it tough for women players to become anything more than a notionally entertainingsideshow. (In the US, of course, where there is only a short history of men playing 'soccer', the women have had huge success.)

Serie A 意大利足球甲级联赛(意甲)(注:英超 Premier League;德甲 Bundesliga;西甲 Spanish Primera Liga;法甲 Ligue 1)
champion (n.) 冠军
forward-thinking (adj.) 思想超前的
take (n.) 尝试
distinctive (adj.) 与众不同的
heritage (n.) 传统;遗产
entertaining (adj.) 娱乐的
slideshow (n.) 穿插表演
