

'How many CEOs passing would attract such compassionate words?'


The technology world mourned the death of Apple founder Steve Jobs on Wednesday in the way that the tech world does so many things now -- on Twitter. And the above quote, by a Twitter user from South London, sums up the reaction on the 140-character medium: a level of sadness and reflection that isn't usually seen on the death of a corporate leader.

科技界周三悼念苹果公司创始人乔布斯(Steve Jobs)的方式就像科技界现在做许多事的方式一样──在Twitter上进行。本文开篇引述的那句话出自伦敦南部一名Twitter用户,它很好地代表了Twitter用户们对乔布斯过世的反应,这种悲伤和反响程度,在一位企业领导人去世时并不多见。

The stream of Twitter posts mentioning Jobs quickly turned into a flood, and the service even saw outages. 'I've literally never seen my whole entire stream talking about ONE thing before. Astonishing,' wrote Twitter user Jane McGonigal.

在Twitter上提及乔布斯的帖子很快就像洪水般一发不可收拾,甚至造成该服务一度中断。Twitter用户麦克高尼格(Jane McGonigal)写道:"我之前从未见过我Twitter中所有的关注对象都在谈论同一件事。我很惊讶。"

As other business giants published their tributes, Twitter provided a look into the reactions of thousands of people who simply used the technology that Jobs created.


'Raise your hand if you found out the news about Steve Jobs on an Apple product. *Hand Raised*' read one popular message that rang true for your Digits reporter.


'Doesn't matter what brand of computer/device/OS you use. What you use is better than it would've been because of Steve Jobs,' another user wrote.


Sure, plenty of the tweets were people who simply wanted to pass along the news, which was simultaneouslyshocking and expected. But others were more profound.


'There is less magic in the world tonight,' wrote a user called Vikram Somaya.

一位名为索玛亚(Vikram Somaya)的用户写道,今晚,世界少了魔力。

'It's amazing how someone you've never met can shape your past, your present and your future,' wrote another.


And some passed along lessons they had learned from Jobs's career, like 'education, pedigree and market dominance are ultimately no match for imagination.'


But among the most popular tweets were those relaying quotes from Jobs himself, who was known as a great speaker.


Among the most cited: 'In the early days of Apple, Steve Jobs said he wanted to make 'a dent in the universe'. He did just that.'

这便是转发最多的帖子之一:"在苹果公司成立之初,乔布斯曾说他希望'在宇宙中留下一个烙印'(make 'a dent in the universe')。他确实做到了。"

Jennifer Valentino-DeVries
