
green, and dearly bought, was no less delicious to the taste.
There were moments when he had not a sou in his pockets, and at

such times he thought in spite of his conscience of Vautrin's
offer and the possibility of fortune by a marriage with Mlle.

Taillefer. Poverty would clamor so loudly that more than once he
was on the point of yielding to the cunning temptations of the

terrible sphinx, whose glance had so often exerted a strange
spell over him.

Poiret and Mlle. Michonneau went up to their rooms; and
Rastignac, thinking that he was alone with the women in the

dining-room, sat between Mme. Vauquer and Mme. Couture, who was
nodding over the woolen cuffs that she was knitting by the stove,

and looked at Mlle. Taillefer so tenderly that she lowered her

"Can you be in trouble, M. Eugene?" Victorine said after a pause.
"Who has not his troubles?" answered Rastignac. "If we men were

sure of being loved, sure of a devotion which would be our reward
for the sacrifices which we are always ready to make, then

perhaps we should have no troubles."
For answer Mlle. Taillefer only gave him a glance but it was

impossible to mistake its meaning.
"You, for instance, mademoiselle; you feel sure of your heart to-

day, but are you sure that it will never change?"
A smile flitted over the poor girl's lips; it seemed as if a ray

of light from her soul had lighted up her face. Eugene was
dismayed at the sudden explosion of feeling caused by his words.

"Ah! but suppose," he said, "that you should be rich and happy
to-morrow, suppose that a vast fortune dropped down from the

clouds for you, would you still love the man whom you loved in
your days of poverty?"

A charmingmovement of the head was her only answer.
"Even if he were very poor?"

Again the same mute answer.
"What nonsense are you talking, you two?" exclaimed Mme. Vauquer.

"Never mind," answered Eugene; "we understand each other."
"So there is to be an engagement of marriage between M. le

Chevalier Eugene de Rastignac and Mlle. Victorine Taillefer, is
there?" The words were uttered in Vautrin's deep voice, and

Vautrin appeared at the door as he spoke.
"Oh! how you startled me!" Mme. Couture and Mme. Vauquer

exclaimed together.
"I might make a worse choice," said Rastignac, laughing.

Vautrin's voice had thrown him into the most painful agitation
that he had yet known.

"No bad jokes, gentlemen!" said Mme. Couture. "My dear, let us go

Mme. Vauquer followed the two ladies, meaning to pass the evening
in their room, an arrangement that economized fire and

candlelight. Eugene and Vautrin were left alone.
"I felt sure you would come round to it," said the elder man with

the coolness that nothing seemed to shake. "But stay a moment! I
have as much delicacy as anybody else. Don't make up your mind on

the spur of the moment; you are a little thrown off your balance
just now. You are in debt, and I want you to come over to my way

of thinking after sober reflection, and not in a fit of passion
or desperation. Perhaps you want a thousand crowns. There, you

can have them if you like."
The tempter took out a pocketbook, and drew thence three

banknotes, which he fluttered before the student's eyes. Eugene
was in a most painful dilemma. He had debts, debts of honor. He

owed a hundred louis to the Marquis d'Ajuda and to the Count de
Trailles; he had not the money, and for this reason had not dared

to go to Mme. de Restaud's house, where he was expected that
evening. It was one of those informal gatherings where tea and

little cakes are handed round, but where it is possible to lose
six thousand francs at whist in the course of a night.

"You must see," said Eugene, struggling to hide a convulsive
tremor, "that after what has passed between us, I cannot possibly

lay myself under any obligation to you."
"Quite right; I should be sorry to hear you speak otherwise,"

answered the tempter. "You are a fine young fellow, honorable,
brave as a lion, and as gentle as a young girl. You would be a

fine haul for the devil! I like youngsters of your sort. Get rid
of one or two more prejudices, and you will see the world as it

is. Make a little scene now and then, and act a virtuous part in
it, and a man with a head on his shoulders can do exactly as he

likes amid deafening applause from the fools in the gallery. Ah!
a few days yet, and you will be with us; and if you would only be

tutored by me, I would put you in the way of achieving all your
ambitions. You should no sooner form a wish than it should be

realized to the full; you should have all your desires--honors,
wealth, or women. Civilization should flow with milk and honey

for you. You should be our pet and favorite, our Benjamin. We
would all work ourselves to death for you with pleasure; every

obstacle should be removed from your path. You have a few
prejudices left; so you think that I am a scoundrel, do you?

Well, M. de Turenne, quite as honorable a man as you take
yourself to be, had some little private transactions with

bandits, and did not feel that his honor was tarnished. You would
rather not lie under any obligation to me, eh? You need not draw

back on that account," Vautrin went on, and a smile stole over
his lips. "Take these bits of paper and write across this," he

added, producing a piece of stamped paper, "Accepted the sum of
three thousand five hundred francs due this day twelvemonth, and

fill in the date. The rate of interest is stiff enough to silence
any scruples on your part; it gives you the right to call me a

Jew. You can call quits with me on the score of gratitude. I am
quite willing that you should despise me to-day, because I am

sure that you will have a kindlier feeling towards me later on.
You will find out fathomless depths in my nature, enormous and

concentrated forces that weaklings call vices, but you will never
find me base or ungrateful. In short, I am neither a pawn nor a

bishop, but a castle, a tower of strength, my boy."
"What manner of man are you?" cried Eugene. "Were you created to

torment me?"
"Why no; I am a good-natured fellow, who is willing to do a dirty

piece of work to put you high and dry above the mire for the rest
of your days. Do you ask the reason of this devotion? All right;

I will tell you that some of these days. A word or two in your
ear will explain it. I have begun by shocking you, by showing you

the way to ring the changes, and giving you a sight of the
mechanism of the social machine; but your first fright will go

off like a conscript's terror on the battlefield. You will grow
used to regarding men as common soldiers who have made up their

minds to lose their lives for some self-constituted king. Times
have altered strangely. Once you could say to a bravo, 'Here are

a hundred crowns; go and kill Monsieur So-and-so for me,' and you
could sup quietly after turning some one off into the dark for

the least thing in the world. But nowadays I propose to put you
in the way of a handsome fortune; you have only to nod your head,

it won't compromise you in any way, and you hesitate. 'Tis an
effeminate age."

Eugene accepted the draft, and received the banknotes in exchange
for it.

"Well, well. Come, now, let us talk rationally," Vautrin
continued. "I mean to leave this country in a few months' time

for America, and set about planting tobacco. I will send you the
cigars of friendship. If I make money at it, I will help you in

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