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Episode 57: Dr Laver takes the plunge

Dr. Laver: I had a lovely time at the barbecue, although I drank too much wine. I had a terrible hangover.
Alice: Did you? I just wish I hadn't had that salmon, especially as I'd already had enough food. I was just being greedy.
Dr. Laver: Oh well, not to worry, you'll be alright soon. In fact, I was wondering, erm...
Alice: Yes, yes?
Dr. Laver: Well, when you're well enough, would you like to go out one evening?
Alice: Are you asking me out on a date, Dr. Laver?
Dr. Laver: Well yes, I... I guess I am, and please, call me Paul.
Alice: Well, Paul, I'd love to go on a date.
Dr. Laver: Great. Would Friday be too soon?

Vocabulary (词汇):

to take the plunge (idiom) 冒险尝试;毅然从事(习语):
decide to do something important, difficult or risky

a hangover (宿醉,即因饮酒过度引起的头痛、恶心等):
this is when you feel ill because you have drunk a lot of alcohol

greedy (贪心的,贪婪的):
you take or eat more than you need

a date (约会):
this is when you go out for a romantic evening with someone
