Episode 54: A mother-daughter chat
Michal: Helen, this place is enormous! Helen: It's just a house, don't get so overexcited by it. And promise me you won't treat me differently after this visit. Mum: Hello! Just drop your bags anywhere dears. Michal, will you get daddy in from the garden? Then we'll all have a nice cup of Chinese tea together. Michal: Of course. Mum: Oh Helen, he's adorable! I know I said you were too young for love but that was ages ago and it's a woman's perogative to change her mind. Helen: Mum, I think he's the one! Mum: Oh me too, I watched you two coming up the path and I saw how you looked at him. Do I hear wedding bells? Helen: Don't say that, you'll jinx us!
perogative:特权 right or privilege
Do I hear wedding bells?: 快结婚了? Are you going to get married soon?
to jinx something: 带来坏运气 to cause bad luck or to turn good luck into bad luck