Episode 82: A tour of the flat
Helen: So that's Tim's room, the bathroom's over there, and your bedroom is here. It's got a desk and chair and all that, so you shouldn't need any more furniture. Khalid: Ok, that looks ok...erm, what do you guys do about housework? Alice: Everybody kind of chips in, don't they Tim? Tim: Yes, Alice, we all do our bit. Alice: We keep all the cleaning stuff in this cupboard here. Khalid: Ok, I see. Helen: So, what do you think? Khalid: It's a very nice room, and you guys are great and everything, but I have to say, I think it's a little bit pricey...I wonder if it would be possible to reduce the rent a little bit? Helen: Well, I'm afraid it isn't up to me Khalid, I'll have to ask my dad about that.
Vocabulary: 字汇
everybody chips in 大伙一起做 everybody helps or contributes to doing a task
we all do our bit 每个人都尽本分 we all contribute fairly to doing a task
pricey 昂贵 expensive
I'm afraid I regret to say/ I'm sorry to say (a polite expression used when saying 'no')
It isn't up to me It's not my choice. I can't/don't decide this