


I would not lead you willinglyastray, But as regards this science, you will find

So hard it is to shun the erring way, And so much hiddenpoison lies therein,

Which scarce can you discern from medicine. Here too it is the best, to listen

but to one, And by the master's words to swear alone. To sum up all - To

words hold fast! Then the safe gate securely pass'd, You'll reach the fane of

certainty at last.


But then some meaning must the words convey.


Right! But o'er - anxious thought, you'll find of no avail, For there precisely

where ideas fail, A word comes opportunely into play Most admirable

weapons words are found, On words a system we securely ground, In words

we can conveniently believe, Nor of a single jot can we a word bereave.


Your pardon for my importunity; Yet once more must I trouble you: On

medicine, I'll thank you to supply A pregnantutterance or two! Three years!

how brief the appointed tide! The field, heaven knows, is all too wide! If but a

friendly hint be thrown, 'Tis easier then to feel one's way.

Mephistopheles (aside)

I'm weary of the dry pedantic tone, And must again the genuine devil play.


Of medicine the spirit's caught with ease, The great and little world you study

through, That things may then their course pursue, As heaven may please. In

vain abroad you range through science' ample space, Each man learns only

that which learn he can; Who knows the moment to embrace, He is your

proper man. In person you are tolerably made, Nor in assurance will you be

deficient: Self - confidence acquire, be not afraid, Others will then esteem you

a proficient. Learn chiefly with the sex to deal! Their thousands ahs and ohs,

These the sage doctor knows, He only from one point can heal. Assume a

decent tone of courteous ease, You have them then to humour as you please.

First a diploma must belief infuse, That you in your profession take the lead:

You then at once those easy freedoms use For which another many a year

must plead; Learn how to feel with nice address The dainty wrist; - and how

to press, With ardent furtive glance, the slender waist, To feel how tightly it is



There is some sense in that! one sees the how and why.


Grey is, young friend, all theory: And green of life the golden tree.


I swear it seemeth like a dream to me. May I some future time repeat my visit,

To hear on what your wisdom grounds your views?


Command my humble service when you choose.


Ere I retire, one boon I must solicit: Here is my album, do not, Sir, deny This

token of your favour!



(He writes and returns the book.)

Student (reads)

Eritis Sicut Deus, Scientes Bonum Et Malum (He reverently closes the book

and retires.)


Let but this ancient proverb be your rule, My cousin follow still, the wily

snake, And with your likeness to the gods, poor fool, Ere long be sure your

poor sick heart will quake!

Faust (enters)

Whither away?


"Tis thine our course to steer. The little world, and then the great we'll view.

With what delight, what profit too, Thou'lt revel through thy gay career!


Despite my length of beard I need The easy manners that insure success; Th'

attempt I fear can ne'er succeed; To mingle in the world I want address; I still

have an embarrass'd air, and then I feel myself so small with other men.

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