
forth. We're free The first to choose; as to the second, slaves are we.


E'en hell hath its peculiar laws, I see! I'm glad of that! a pact may then be

made, The which you gentlemen will surely keep?


What e'er therein is promised thou shalt reap, No tittle shall remain unpaid.

But such arrangements time require; We'll speak of them when next we meet;

Most earnestly I now entreat, This once permission to retire.


Another moment prithee here remain, Me with some happy word to pleasure.


Now let me go! ere long I'll come again, Then thou may'st question at thy



'Twas not my purpose thee to lime; The snare hast entered of thine own free

will: Let him who holds the devil, hold him still! So soon he'll catch him not a

second time.


If it so please thee, I'm at thy command; Only on this condition, understand;

That worthily thy leisure to beguile, I here may exercise my arts awhile.


Thou'rt free to do so! Gladly I'll attend; But be thine art a pleasant one!


My friend,

This hour enjoyment more intense, Shall captivate each ravish'd sense, Than

thou could'st compass in the bound Of the whole year's unvarying round; And

what the dainty spirits sing, The lovely images they bring. Are no fantastic

sorcery. Rich odours shall regale your smell, On choicest sweets your palate

dwell, Your feelings thrill with ecstasy. No preparation do we need, Here we

together are. Proceed.


Hence overshadowing gloom, Vanish from sight! O'er us thine azure dome,

Bend, beauteous light! Dark clouds that o'er us spread, Melt in thin air! Stars,

your soft radiance shed, Tender and fair. Girt with celestial might, Winging

their airy flight, Spirits are thronging. Follows their forms of light Infinite

longing! Flutter their vestures bright O'er field and grove! Where in their leafy

bower Lovers the livelong hour Vow deathless love. Soft bloometh bud and

bower! Bloometh the grove! Grapes from the spreading vine Crown the full

measure; Fountains of foaming wine Gush from the pressure. Still where the

currents wind, Gems brightly gleam. Leaving the hills behind On rolls the

stream; Now into ample seas, Spreadeth the flood; Laving the sunny leas,

Mantled with wood. Rapture the feather'd throng, Gaily careering, Sip as they

float along; Sunward they're steering; On towards the isles of light Winging

their way, That on the waters bright Dancingly play. Hark to the choral strain,

Joyfully ringing! While on the grassy plain Dancers are springing; Climbing the

steep hill's side, Skimming the glassy tide, Wander they there; Others on

pinions wide Wing the blue air; All lifeward tending, upward still wending,

Towards yonder stars that gleam, Far, far above; Stars from whose tender

beam Rains blissful love.


Well done, my dainty spirits! now he slumbers! Ye have entranc'd him fairly

with your numbers! This minstrelsy of yours I must repay, Thou art not yet the

man to hold the devil fast! With fairest shapes your spells around him cast,

And plunge him in a sea of dreams! But that this charm be rent, the threshold

passed, Tooth of rat the way must clear. I need not conjure long it seems,

One rustles hitherward, and soon my voice will hear. The master of the rats

and mice, Of flies and frogs, of bugs and lice, Commands thy presence;

without fear Come forth and gnaw the threshold here, Where he with oil has

smear'd it. - Thou Com'st hopping forth already! Now To work! The point

that holds me bound Is in the outer angle found. Another bite - so - now 'tis

doneNow, Faustus, till we meet again, dream on.

Faust (awaking)

Am I once more deluded! must I deem That thus the throng of spirits

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