
Look at those handsome fellows there! 'Tis really shameful, I declare, The

very best society they shun, After those servant girls forsooth, to run.

Second Student (to the first)

Not quite so fast! for in our rear, Two girls, well - dress'd, are drawing near;

Not far from us the one doth dwell, And sooth to say, I like her well. They

walk demurely, yet you'll see, That they will let us join them presently.

The First

Not I! restraints of all kinds I detest. Quick! let us catch the wild - game ere it

flies, The hand on Saturday the mop that plies, Will on the Sunday fondle you

the best.


No, this new Burgomaster, I like him not, God knows, Now, he's in office,

daily more arrogant he grows; And for the town, what doth he do for it? Are

not things worse from day to day? To more restraints we must submit; And

taxes more than ever pay.

Beggar (sings)

Kind gentleman and ladies fair, So rosy - cheek'd and trimly dress'd, Be

pleas'd to listen to my prayer, Relieve and pity the distress'd. Let me not

vainly sing my lay! His heart's most glad whose hand is free. Now when all

men keep holiday, Should be a harvest - day to me.

Another Burgher

On holidays and Sundays naught know I more inviting Than chatting about

war and war's alarms, When folk in Turkey, up in arms, Far off, are 'gainst

each other fighting. We at the window stand, our glasses drain, And watch

adown the stream the painted vessels gliding Then joyful we at eve come

home again, And peaceful times we bless, peace long - abiding.

Third Burgher

Ay, neighbour! So let matters stand for me! There they may scatter one

another's brains, And wild confusion round them see So here at home in quiet

all remains! Old Woman (to the Burghers' Daughters) Heyday! How smart!

The fresh young blood! Who would not fall in love with you? Not quite so

proud! 'Tis well and good! And what you wish, that I could help you to.

Burgher's Daughter

Come, Agatha! I care not to be seen Walking in public with these witches.

True, My future lover, last St. Andrew's E'en, In flesh and blood she brought

before my view.


And mine she show'd me also in the glass, A soldier's figure, with companions

bold; I look around, I seek him as I pass, In vain, his form I nowhere can



Fortress with turrets And walls high in air, Damsel disdainful, Haughty and

fair, There be my prey! Bold is the venture, Costly the pay!

Hark how the trumpet Thither doth call us, Where either pleasure Or death

may befall us. Hail to the tumult! Life's in the field! Damsel and fortress To us

must yield.

Bold is the venture, Costly the pay! Gaily the soldier Marches away.

Faust and Wagner - Peasant Dances


Loosed from their fetters are streams and rills Through the gracious spring -

tide's all - quickening glow; Hope's budding joy in the vale doth blow; Old

Winter back to the savage hills Withdraweth his force, decrepid now. Thence

only impotent icy grains Scatters he as he wings his flight, Striping with sleet

the verdant plains; But the sun endureth no trace of white; Everywhere growth

and movement are rife, All things investing with hues of life: Though flowers

are lacking, varied of dye, Their colours the motley throng supply. Turn thee

around, and from this height, Back to the town direct thy sight. Forth from the

hollow, gloomy gate, Stream forth the masses, in bright array. Gladly seek

they the sun to - day; The Lord's Resurrection they celebrate: For they

themselves have risen, with joy, From tenementsordid, from cheerless room,

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