
thought that Rastignac was adorable. Then, woman-like, being at a

loss how to reply to the student's outspokenadmiration, she

answered a previous remark.

"Yes, it is very wrong of my sister to treat our poor father as

she does," she said; "he has been a Providence to us. It was not

until M. de Nucingen positively ordered me only to receive him in

the mornings that I yielded the point. But I have been unhappy

about it for a long while; I have shed many tears over it. This

violence to my feelings, with my husband's brutaltreatment, have

been two causes of my unhappy married life. There is certainly no

woman in Paris whose lot seems more enviable than mine, and yet,

in reality, there is not one so much to be pitied. You will think

I must be out of my senses to talk to you like this; but you know

my father, and I cannot regard you as a stranger."

"You will find no one," said Eugene, "who longs as eagerly as I

do to be yours. What do all women seek? Happiness." (He answered

his own question in low, vibrating tones.) "And if happiness for

a woman means that she is to be loved and adored, to have a

friend to whom she can pour out her wishes, her fancies, her

sorrows and joys; to whom she can lay bare her heart and soul,

and all her fair defects and her gracious virtues, without fear

of a betrayal; believe me, the devotion and the warmth that never

fails can only be found in the heart of a young man who, at a

bare sign from you, would go to his death, who neither knows nor

cares to know anything as yet of the world, because you will be

all the world to him. I myself, you see (you will laugh at my

simplicity), have just come from a remote country district; I am

quite new to this world of Paris; I have only known true and

loving hearts; and I made up my mind that here I should find no

love. Then I chanced to meet my cousin, and to see my cousin's

heart from very near; I have divined the inexhaustible treasures

of passion, and, like Cherubino, I am the lover of all women,

until the day comes when I find THE woman to whom I may devote

myself. As soon as I saw you, as soon as I came into the theatre

this evening, I felt myself borne towards you as if by the

current of a stream. I had so often thought of you already, but I

had never dreamed that you would be so beautiful! Mme. de

Beauseant told me that I must not look so much at you. She does

not know the charm of your red lips, your fair face, nor see how

soft your eyes are. . . . I also am beginning to talk nonsense;

but let me talk."

Nothing pleases a woman better than to listen to such whispered

words as these; the most puritanical among them listens even when

she ought not to reply to them; and Rastignac, having once begun,

continued to pour out his story, dropping his voice, that she

might lean and listen; and Mme. de Nucingen, smiling, glanced

from time to time at de Marsay, who still sat in the Princesse

Galathionne's box.

Rastignac did not leave Mme. de Nucingen till her husband came to

take her home.

"Madame," Eugene said, "I shall have the pleasure of calling upon

you before the Duchesse de Carigliano's ball."

"If Matame infites you to come," said the Baron, a thickset

Alsatian, with indications of a sinistercunning in his full-moon

countenance, "you are quide sure of being well receifed."

"My affairs seem to be in a promising way," said Eugene to

himself.--" 'Can you love me?' I asked her, and she did not

resent it. The bit is in the horse's mouth, and I have only to

mount and ride;" and with that he went to pay his respects to

Mme. de Beauseant, who was leaving the theatre on d'Ajuda's arm.

The student did not know that the Baroness' thoughts had been

wandering; that she was even then expecting a letter from de

Marsay, one of those letters that bring about a rupture that

rends the soul; so, happy in his delusion, Eugene went with the

Vicomtesse to the peristyle, where people were waiting till their

carriages were announced.

"That cousin of yours is hardly recognizable for the same man,"

said the Portuguese laughingly to the Vicomtesse, when Eugene had

taken leave of them. "He will break the bank. He is as supple as

an eel; he will go a long way, of that I am sure. Who else could

have picked out a woman for him, as you did, just when she needed


"But it is not certain that she does not still love the faithless

lover," said Mme. de Beauseant.

The student meanwhile walked back from the Theatre-Italien to the

Rue Neuve-Sainte-Genevieve, making the most delightful plans as

he went. He had noticed how closely Mme. de Restaud had

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