

(AJAX enters, carrying a sword. As he speaks, TECMESSA also enters.)

All things the long and countless lapse of time

Brings forth. displays, then hides once more in gloom.
Nought is too strange to look for; but the event

May mock the sternest oath, the firmest will.
Thus I, who late so strong, so stubborn seemed

Like iron dipped, yet now grow soft with pity
Before this woman, whom I am loath to leave

Midst foes a widow with this orphaned child.
But I will seek the meadows by the shore:

There will I wash and purge these stains, if so
I may appease Athena's heavy wrath.

Then will I find some lonely place, where I
May hide this sword, beyond all others cursed,

Buried where none may see it, deep in earth.
May night and Hades keep it there below.

For from that hour my hand accepted it,
The gift of Hector, deadliest of my foes,

Nought from the Greeks towards me hath sped well.
So now I find that ancient proverb true,

Foes' gifts are no gifts: profit bring they none.
Therefore henceforth I study to obey

The Gods, and reverence the sons of Atreus.
Our rulers are they: we must yield. How else?

For to authority yield all things most dread
And mighty. Thus must Winter's snowy feet

Give place to Summer with her wealth of fruits;
And from her weary round doth Night withdraw,

That Day's white steeds may kindle heaven with light.
After fiercetempest calm will ever lull

The moaning sea; and Sleep, that masters all,
Binds life awhile, yet loosens soon the bond.

And who am I that I should not learn wisdom?
Of all men I, whom proof hath taught of late

How so far only should we hate our foes
As though we soon might love them, and so far

Do a friend service, as to one most like
Some day to prove our foe; since oftenest men

In friendship but a faithless haven find.
Thus well am I resolved. (To TECMESSA) Thou, woman, pass

Within, and pray the gods that all things so
May be accomplished as my heart desires.

And you, friends, heed my wishes as she doth;
And when he comes, bid Teucer he must guard

My rights at need, and withal stand your friend.
For now I go whither I needs must pass.

Do as I bid. Soon haply you shall hear,
With me, for all this misery, 'tis most well.

(AJAX departs. TECMESSA goes into the tent.)
CHORUS (singing)

I thrill with rapture, flutter on wings of ecstasy.

Io, Io, Pan, Pan!
O Pan, Pan! from the stony ridge,

Snow-bestrewn of Cyllene's height
Appear roving across the waters,

O dance-ordering king of gods,
That thou mayst join me in flinging free

Fancy measures of Nysa and of Cnossus.
Yea for the dance I now am eager.

And over the far Icarian billows come, O king Apollo,
From Delos in haste, come thou,

Thy kindly power here in our midst revealing.

Ares hath lifted horror and anguish from our eyes.
Io, Io! Now again,

Now, O Zeus, can the bright and blithe
Glory of happier days return

To our swift-voyaging ships, for now
Hath Ajax wholly forgot his grief,

And all rites due to the gods he now
Fain would meetly perform with loyal worship.

Mighty is time to dwindle all things.
Nought would I call too strange for belief, when Ajax thus beyond

Hath learnt to repent his proud feuds,

And lay aside anger against the Atreidae.
(A MESSENGER enters.)

My friends, these tiding I would tell you first:

Teucer is present, from the Mysian heights
But now returned, and in the central camp

By all the Greeks at once is being reviled.
As he drew near they knew him from afar,

Then gathering around him one and all
With taunts assailed him from this side and that,

Calling him kinsman of that maniac,
That plotter against the host, saying that nought

Should save him; stoned and mangled he must die.
And so they had come to such a pitch that swords

Plucked from their sheaths stood naked in men's hands.
Yet when the strife ran highest, it was stayed

By words from the elders and so reconciled.
But where is Ajax? I must speak with him.

He whom it most concerns must be told all.

He is not within, but has just now gone forth
With a new purpose yoked to a new mood.

Alas! Alas!

Then too late on this errand was I sped
By him who sent me; or I have proved too slow.

What urgent need has been neglected here?

Teucer forbade that Ajax should go forth

Outside his hut, till he himself should come.

Well, he is gone. To wisest purpose now
His mind is turned, to appease heaven's wrath.

These words of thine are filled with utter folly,

If there was truth in Calchas' prophecy.

What prophecy? And what know you of this thing?

Thus much I know, for by chance I was present.
Leaving the circle of consulting chiefs

Where sat the Atreidae, Calchas went aside,
And with kind purpose grasping Teucer's hand

Enjoined him that by every artifice
He should restrain Ajax within his tents

This whole day, and not leave him to himself,
If he wished ever to behold him alive.

For on this day alone, such were his words,
Would the wrath of divine Athena vex him.

For the overweening and unprofitable
Fall crushed by heaven-sent calamities

(So the seer spoke), whene'er one born a man
Has conceived thoughts too high for man's estate:

And this man, when he first set forth from home,
Showed himself foolish, when his father spoke to him

Wisely: "My son, seek victory by the spear;
But seek it always with the help of heaven."

Then boastfully and witlessly he answered:
"Father, with heaven's help a mere man of nought

Might win victory: but I, albeit without
Their aid, trust to achieve a victor's glory."

Such was his proud vaunt. Then a second time
Answering divine Athena, when she urged him

To turn a slaughterous hand upon his foes,
He gave voice to this dire, blasphemous boast:

"Goddess, stand thou beside the other Greeks.
Where I am stationed, no foe shall break through."

By such words and such thoughts too great for man
Did he provoke Athena's pitiless wrath.

But if he lives through this one day, perchance,
Should heaven be willing, we may save him yet.

So spoke the seer; and Teucer from his seat
No sooner risen, sent me with this mandate

For you to observe. But if we have been forestalled,
That man lives not, or Calchas is no prophet.

LEADER (calling)
Woful Tecmessa, woman born to sorrow,

Come forth and hear this man who tells of a peril
That grazes us too close for our mind's ease.

(TECMESSA enters from the tent.)

Why alas do you break my rest again
After brief respite from relentless woes?

Give hearing to this messenger, who brings

Tidings that grieve me of how Ajax fares.

Ah me, what sayest thou, man? Are we undone?

I know not of thy fortune; but for Ajax,
If he be gone abroad, my mind misgives.

Yes, he is gone. I am racked to know thy meaning.

Teucer commands you to keep him within doors,

And not to let him leave his tent alone.

And where is Teucer, and why speaks he thus?

He has but now returned, and he forebodes
That this going-forth will prove fatal to Ajax.

Woe's me, alas! From whom has he learned this?

From the seer, Thestor's son, this very day,

Which is fraught either with his death or life.

Ah me, my friends, avert this threatening doom
Speed some of you to hasten Teucer hither:

Others go search the bays, some west, some east,
And track my lord's ill-omened going-forth.

Yes, now I know I have been deceived by him,
And from his former favour quite cast out.

Alas, child, what shall I do? Sit still I must not:
But far as I have strength I too will go.

Let us start quickly-'tis no time for loitering,
If we would save one who is in haste to die.

I am ready, as not words alone shall prove,

But speed of act and foot to make words good.
(The CHORUS, TECMESSA and MESSENGER go out. The scene

changes to a lonely place by the sea-shore. Bushes and under-
brush are in the background. AJAX enters alone.)

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