
who used to be so thin and pale when the burden of her husband's cares
and anxieties used to press so hardly upon her, has recovered her good

looks, and has grown quite young and pretty again. The two old mothers
are thoroughly happy, and take the deepest interest in every detail of

the housekeeping or of the business. Work has brought money, and the
money that brought freedom from care brought health and plenty and

happiness. The story of this household is a living history in
miniature of the Commune since I have known it, and of all young

industrial states. The tile factory that used to look so empty,
melancholy, ill-kept, and useless, is now in full work, astir with

life, and well stocked with everything required. There is a good stock
of wood here, and all the raw material for the season's work: for, as

you know, tiles can only be made during a few months in the year,
between June and September. Is it not a pleasure to see all this

activity? My tile-maker has done his share of the work in every
building going, always busy--'the devourer,' they call him in these

Benassis had scarcely finished speaking when the wicket gate which

gave entrance to the garden opened, and a nicely-dressed young woman
appeared. She came forward as quickly as her condition allowed, though

the two horsemen hastened towards her. Her attire somewhat recalled
her former quality of ladies' maid, for she wore a pretty cap, a pink

dress, a silk apron, and white stockings. Mme. Vigneau in short, was a
nice-looking woman, sufficiently plump, and if she was somewhat

sunburned, her natural complexion must have been very fair. There were
a few lines still left on her forehead, traced there by the troubles

of past days, but she had a bright and winsome face. She spoke in a
persuasive voice, as she saw that the doctor came no further, "Will

you not do me the honor of coming inside and resting for a moment, M.

"Certainly we will. Come this way, captain."
"The gentleman must be very hot! Will you take a little milk or some

wine? M. Benassis, please try a little of the wine that my husband has
been so kind as to buy for my confinement. You will tell me if it is

"You have a good man for your husband."

"Yes, sir," she turned and spoke in quiet tones, "I am very well off."
"We will not take anything, Mme. Vigneau; I only came round this way

to see that nothing troublesome had happened."
"Nothing," she said. "I was busy out in the garden, as you saw,

turning the soil over for the sake of something to do."
Then the two old mothers came out to speak to Benassis, and the young

wagoner planted himself in the middle of the yard, in a spot from
whence he could have a good view of the doctor.

"Let us see, let me have your hand," said Benassis, addressing Mme.
Vigneau; and as he carefully felt her pulse, he stood in silence,

absorbed in thought. The three women, meanwhile, scrutinized the
commandant with the undisguised curiosity that country people do not

scruple to express.
"Nothing could be better!" cried the doctor cheerily.

"Will she be confined soon?" both the mothers asked together.
"This week beyond a doubt. Is Vigneau away from home?" he asked, after

a pause.
"Yes, sir," the young wife answered; "he is hurrying about settling

his business affairs, so as to be able to stay at home during my
confinement, the dear man!"

"Well, my children, go on and prosper; continue to increase your
wealth and to add to your family."

The cleanliness of the almost ruinous dwelling filled Genestas with

Benassis saw the officer's astonishment, and said, "There is no one
like Mme. Vigneau for keeping a house clean and tidy like this. I wish

that several people in the town would come here to take a lesson."
The tile-maker's wife blushed and turned her head away; but the faces

of the two old mothers beamed with pleasure at the doctor's words, and
the three women walked with them to the spot where the horses were

"Well, now," the doctor said to the two old women, "here is happiness

for you both! Were you not longing to be grandmothers?"
"Oh, do not talk about it," said the young wife; "they will drive me

crazy among them. My two mothers wish for a boy, and my husband would
like to have a little girl. It will be very difficult to please them

all, I think."
"But you yourself," asked Benassis; "what is your wish?"

"Ah, sir, I wish for a child of my own."
"There! She is a mother already, you see," said the doctor to the

officer, as he laid his hand on the bridle of his horse.
"Good-bye, M. Benassis; my husband will be sadly disappointed to learn

that you have been here when he was not at home to see you."
"He has not forgotten to send the thousand tiles to the Grange-aux-

Belles for me?"
"You know quite well, sir, that he would keep all the orders in the

cantonwaiting to serve you. Why, taking your money is the thing that
troubles him most; but I always tell him that your crowns bring luck

with them, and so they do."
"Good-bye," said Benassis.

A little group gathered about the bars across the entrance to the
tile-works. The three women, the young wagoner, and two workmen who

had left off work to greet the doctor, lingered there to have the
pleasure of being with him until the last moment, as we are wont to

linger with those we love. The promptings of men's hearts must
everywhere be the same, and in every land friendship expresses itself

in the same gracious ways.
Benassis looked at the height of the sun and spoke to his companion:

"There are still two hours of daylight left; and if you are not too
hungry, we will go to see some one with whom I nearly always spend the

interval between the last of my visits and the hour for dinner. She is
a charming girl whom every one here calls my 'good friend.' That is

the name that they usually give to an affianced bride; but you must
not imagine that there is the slightest imputation of any kind implied

or intended by the use of the word in this case. Poor child, the care
that I have taken of her has, as may be imagined, made her an object

of jealousy, but the general opinion entertained as to my character
has prevented any spiteful gossip. If no one understands the apparent

caprice that has led me to make an allowance to La Fosseuse, so that
she can live without being compelled to work, nobody has any doubts as

to her character. I have watched over her with friendly care, and
every one knows that I should never hesitate to marry her if my

affection for her exceeded the limits of friendship. But no woman
exists for me here in the canton or anywhere else," said the doctor,

forcing a smile. "Some natures feel a tyrannous need to attach
themselves to some one thing or being which they single out from among

the beings and things around them; this need is felt most keenly by a
man of quick sympathies, and all the more pressingly if his life has

been made desolate. So, trust me, it is a favorable sign if a man is
strongly attached to his dog or his horse! Among the suffering flock

which chance has given into my care, this poor little sufferer has
come to be for me like the pet lamb that the shepherd lasses deck with

ribbons in my own sunny land of Languedoc; they talk to it and allow
it to find pasture by the side of the cornfields, and its leisurely

pace is never hurried by the shepherd's dog."
Benassis stood with his hand on his horse's mane as he spoke, ready to

spring into the saddle, but making no effort to do so, as though the
thoughts that stirred in him were but little in keeping with rapid

"Let us go," he said at last; "come with me and pay her a visit. I am

taking you to see her; does not that tell you that I treat her as a

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