

When Qian Long was told that the Red Flower Society

had rescued Wen, he was both surprised and angry. But

he decided there was nothing to be gained in punishing

the Imperial Bodyguards. He could see from their

wounds that they had fought bravely.

A while later, Commander Li also arrived, and was

informed by the Emperor that a decision on whether or

not he would lose his post would be deferred until

later. Li was overjoyed at this unexpected luck.

After Li had left, Qian Long thought about Wen's

escape and wondered if his secret would get out. From

what Wen had said, it did not appear that he knew, but

there was something about his manner which suggested

there was still much he could tell. Wen had said there

were two important pieces of evidence hidden somewhere

and he wondered what the evidence could be. He was

already almost certain he was a Chinese and not a

Manchu, but what good could come of such knowledge

leaking out?

He paced about the room, extremely angry that he, the

Son of Heaven, should be out-witted by a band of

brigands. If they discovered his secret, would he be

forced to submit to them for the rest of his life on

pain of having the secret revealed? The more he

thought about it, the angrier he became, and he picked

up a large porcelain flower vase and threw it

violently to the floor.

The guards and eunuchs waiting outside heard the crash

clearly and trembled in their boots, not daring to


Qian Long passed most of the day in a state of mental

confusion. Towards evening, he heard the sound of

gentle music drifting in from outside. The music moved

closer and closer, passed by the gates of the Yamen

then gradually receded. A moment later, another

musical troupe passed by. He had always been very fond

of music, and hearing it now, his mood suddenly


"Servants!" he shouted.

A senior bodyguard named He Jia, who had recently come

to favour, hurried in. Hearing the Emperor's call, the

others had pushed him forward.

"What is that music outside?" Qian Long asked. "Go and

find out."

After a while, He Jia came back to report: "Your slave

made enquiries and learned that all of the famous

courtesans of Hangzhou will gather on the West Lake

this evening to choose what they call the 'Top

Candidate of the Boudoir', as well as second, third

and fourth ranking candidates."

"How dare they make fun of the Imperial Civil Service

Examinations in such a way!" Qian Long said, amused.


Seeing the smile on the Emperor's face, he advanced a

step and added in a low voice: "I heard that the Four

Beauties of Qiantang River will be there."

"And who are the Four Beauties of Qiantang River?"

"Your slave was talking to a local just now who said

that they are the four most famous prostitutes of

Hangzhou. Everyone out in the streets is trying to

guess which one will be the Top Candidate of the

Boudoir this year."

"The Top Candidate in the Imperial Examination is

chosen by me. Who chooses this Top Candidate of the

Boudoir? Don't tell me there is an Emperor of the

Boudoir as well?"

"I hear that each prostitute sits in a flower boat on

which are displayed the gold and jewels presented by

her customers. Then the winner is chosen by some of

Hangzhou's most eminent gentlemen."

"When do they play this game?" Qian Long asked,


"It starts soon," He Jia replied. "As soon as it gets

a bit darker, the judging will begin. If Your Highness

is interested, you could go and watch."

Qian Long smiled. "I'm afraid people may laugh at me,"

he said. "If the Empress should hear that I chose the

Top Candidate manner which suggested there was still

much he could tell. Wen had said there were two

important pieces of evidence hidden somewhere and he

wondered what the evidence could be. He was already

almost certain he was a Chinese and not a Manchu, but

what good could come of such knowledge leaking out?

He paced about the room, extremely angry that he, the

Son of Heaven, should be out-witted by a band of

brigands. If they discovered his secret, would he be

forced to submit to them for the rest of his life on

pain of having the secret revealed? The more he

thought about it, the angrier he became, and he picked

up a large porcelain flower vase and threw it

violently to the floor.

The guards and eunuchs waiting outside heard the crash

clearly and trembled in their boots, not daring to


Qian Long passed most of the day in a state of mental

confusion. Towards evening, he heard the sound of

gentle music drifting in from outside. The music moved

closer and closer, passed by the gates of the Yamen

then gradually receded. A moment later, another

musical troupe passed by. He had always been very fond

of music, and hearing it now, his mood suddenly


"Servants!" he shouted.

A senior bodyguard named He Jia, who had recently come

to favour, hurried in. Hearing the Emperor's call, the

others had pushed him forward.

"What is that music outside?" Qian Long asked. "Go and

find out."

After a while, He Jia came back to report: "Your slave

made enquiries and learned that all of the famous

courtesans of Hangzhou will gather on the West Lake

this evening to choose what they call the 'Top

Candidate of the Boudoir', as well as second, third

and fourth ranking candidates."

"How dare they make fun of the Imperial Civil Service

Examinations in such a way!" Qian Long said, amused.


Seeing the smile on the Emperor's face, he advanced a

step and added in a low voice: "I heard that the Four

Beauties of Qiantang River will be there."

"And who are the Four Beauties of Qiantang River?"

"Your slave was talking to a local just now who said

that they are the four most famous prostitutes of

Hangzhou. Everyone out in the streets is trying to

guess which one will be the Top Candidate of the

Boudoir this year."

"The Top Candidate in the Imperial Examination is

chosen by me. Who chooses this Top Candidate of the

Boudoir? Don't tell me there is an Emperor of the

Boudoir as well?"

"I hear that each prostitute sits in a flower boat on

which are displayed the gold and jewels presented by

her customers. Then the winner is chosen by some of

Hangzhou's most eminent gentlemen."

"When do they play this game?" Qian Long asked,


"It starts soon,"He Jia replied. "As soon as it gets a

bit darker, the judging will begin. If Your Highness

is interested, you could go and watch."

Qian Long smiled. "I'm afraid people may laugh at

me,"he said. "If the Empress should hear that I chose

the Top Candidate of the Boudoir, she may have

something to say about it. Ha, ha!"

"If Your Highness dressed up as a member of the common

people, no one would know," He Jia suggested.

"All right, we'll go and have a quiet look and then

come back. But tell everyone not to attract

attention,"said Qian Long.

He Jia quickly helped Qian Long change into a long

silk gown and a closely-embroidered jacket, the attire

of a member of the gentry. Then they left for the West

Lake together with Bai Zhen and several dozen


Once at the lakeside, a bodyguard steered a boat up to

meet them. Music and singing could be heard coming

from different parts of the lake, while the multitude

of lanterns provided a sumptuous sight. They watched

as more than twenty flower boats glided lazily back

and forth over the water, each boat draped with silk

curtains and lanterns. Qian Long ordered the oarsman

to steer close to the flower boats. Some of them were

decorated with flowers and animals cleverly

constructed out of silk and lit with lanterns. Qian

Long sighed in praise for the richness of life in the

south of China with which the north could not hope to

compete. As many as a hundred other small boats moved

to and fro carrying well-to-do pleasure seekers.

A gong sounded and the music from the boats ceased.

One rocket after another soared up into the air and

burst in a dazzling array of colours before falling

into the lake with a hiss. As the firework display

ended, the curtains on each flower boat were drawn

apart simultaneously to reveal a gorgeously-attired

woman seated inside. Thunderous cheers and applause

arose from every part of the lake.

Servants produced wine and food for the Emperor to

partake of while enjoying the scene. The boat slid

slowly over the lake past the flower boats. Qian Long,

who kept three thousand concubines in his palace, had

seen countless beauties in his time. But now, with the

lanterns reflecting on the water, the splash of the

oars and the slight waft of perfume, he was completely

captivated. They neared the boats of the Four Beauties

of the Qiantang River, and saw they were different

from the other flower boats. One was decorated

entirely with paper water lilies while the second was

topped by two pagodas. The third was decked out as the

Lunar Palace and lit with lanterns shaped as toads and

hares, the animals which are supposed to inhabit the


Qian Long gasped in delight. As they glided towards

the fourth, he saw it was decorated entirely with real

bushes and flowers, the branches criss-crossing each

other and covered with a thick foliage, as simple as

nature, and as beautiful as a painting. The courtezan,

dressed all in white, was seated with her back to

them, but she had an air of other-worldliness about

her, as of a goddess.

Overwhelmed, Qian Long could not help but sing out a

line from the opera, 'The Western Chamber': "Oh, will

you not turn your face to me?"

The prostitute, hearing the snatch of song, did indeed

turn and smiled. Qian Long's heart leapt: it was the

girl he had met on the West Lake several days before,

Beautiful Jade.

He heard the tinkle of a feminine voice as the

courtesan on the water lily boat began to sing. At the

end of the song, the crowd applauded and a pile of

ingots, big and small mounted on the table in front of

her. Then the courtesan in the Twin-Pagoda boat picked

up a pipa and lightly strummed a tune, following which

the third played the flute. Qian Long ordered He Jia

to give her ten taels of gold.

The pleasure launches then crowded round Beautiful

Jade's boat. She opened her ruby lips, revealing her

sparkling white teeth, and began to sing accompanied

by a flute.

It was the middle of the eighth month and it was

already cool on the lake, but Beautiful Jade's voice

suggested warm breezes and fragrant flowers.

"Such talent," Qian Long sighed.
  • porcelain [´pɔ:slin] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.瓷 a.瓷的;精美的 四级词汇
  • daring [´deəriŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.&n.勇敢(的) 四级词汇
  • trying [´traiiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.难堪的;费劲的 四级词汇
  • winner [´winə] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.胜利者,得奖者 四级词汇
  • empress [´empris] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.女皇;皇后 四级词汇
  • gentry [´dʒentri] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.上流社会人士,绅士 六级词汇
  • sumptuous [´sʌmptʃuəs] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.奢侈的;豪华的 六级词汇
  • lazily [´leizili] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.懒惰地,慢吞吞地 六级词汇
  • richness [´ritʃnis] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.富饶;富裕;华美 六级词汇
  • well-to-do [,weltə´du:] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.小康的,富裕的 四级词汇
  • rocket [´rɔkit] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.火箭;火箭发动机 六级词汇
  • simultaneously [,siməl´teinjəsli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.同时,一起 四级词汇
  • tinkle [´tiŋkəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 v.&n.(使发)叮当声 四级词汇
  • feminine [´feminin] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.女性的 四级词汇
