

Chen smiled. "All right. It's all the same to me." The

giant ripped off his upper clothing, exposing ranks of

huge, rippling muscles. Huo Qingtong glanced furtively

at her sister and saw her gazing intently at Chen, her

eyes full of adoration and love. Huo Qingtong sighed

and looked over at Chen, and as their eyes met, he

smiled warmly. She blushed and looked away.

"We will draw lots to decide who strikes first," said

the envoy.

"You are the guests. You may go first," replied Chen.

He took two steps towards the giant and thrust out his

chest, "Hit me!" he said.

"Please come over here," the envoy said to Huo

Qingtong. "We two will act as judges. Whoever moves

his feet, uses his arms to deflect a blow, bends or

dodges away will be considered the loser."

Huo Qingtong walked over and stood with the envoy as

Chen and the giant faced each other, less than an

arm's length apart. The huge crowd stood silently

about them, watching intently.

"The Manchurian gentleman strikes the first blow," the

envoy called out. "The Muslim gentleman will strike

the second blow. If both are still all right, then the

Manchurian gentleman will strike again followed by the

Muslim gentleman. Right! The Manchurian shall strike!"

The silence was broken by the sound of First Tiger

breathing deeply. Joints all over his body cracked

loudly as he concentrated his strength. Suddenly, the

right side of his chest bulged outwards and his right

arm swelled to almost twice its normal size. Chen

leaned slightly forward. "Punch me," he said.

Several Muslim men moved behind Chen to catch him.

Muzhuolun and Huo Qingtong silently prayed to Allah,

but Princess Fragrance was unworried. If Chen said he

was unafraid, there was certainly nothing to be afraid


The giant crouched slightly, then with a mighty roar

slammed his right fist at Chen's chest. But at its

maximum extension, the fist only lightly grazed the

lapel of Chen's gown. Dumbfounded, the giant stared at

Chen, neglecting even to withdraw his fist.

"Is that it?" Chen asked. The giant blushed deep red

and hastily retracted his arm.

To the crowd, it looked as if the blow had struck

home, and they were puzzled that Chen seemed

unaffected. Muzhuolun and Huo Qingtong, however, knew

that he had made use of Inner Strength Kung Fu to draw

in his chest. Huo Qingtong smiled brilliantly and

breathed a sigh of relief. The envoy, also a kung fu

expert, scowled in annoyance.

Chen smiled. "Now it's my turn," he said.

"Go ahead!" First Tiger roared. He thrust out his

hairy chest and Chen's fist shot out and punched it

lightly. The giant felt no pain, but was aware of a

great force pushing him backwards and put all his

weight into countering it by leaning forward.

Suddenly, Chen withdrew his fist, and with no time to

stabilise himself, the giant toppled forward and

crashed to the ground in a cloud of dust. All this

took place in the blink of an eye. There was a stunned

silence for a second, then the crowd erupted in

applause and laughter. The envoy rushed over to help

First Tiger who was wailing as blood poured from his

mouth: two of his front teeth had snapped off.

Seeing their brother injured, the other three giants

charged at Chen with a single howl of rage. Chen

skipped around behind Third Tiger and shoved him at

Second Tiger. Fourth Tiger lunged at Chen with his

arms out-stretched, but Chen ducked down and ticked

his armpit as he passed. Fourth Tiger was very

ticklish, and he immediately rolled into a ball,

laughing hysterically.

Chen danced amongst the four, making them look foolish

without even hitting them. The envoy could see that

Chen was a martial arts master and tried vainly to

stop the fight. But once roused, the four Tigers were

impossible to stop. They closed in on Chen again,

First Tiger from in front while the other three closed

off his line of retreat behind. Chen waited until

First Tiger was within arm's length then toppled him

over backwards with a push, grabbed his leg and hurled

him away so that he landed head-first in the hole

where the tree he had up-rooted had stood.

Fourth Tiger roared and kicked out with his right leg,

but Chen grabbed his trousers and shirt, lifted him up

and with a solid kick sent him flying through the air.

The giant landed with a thump on the corpse of the

camel he had himself killed.

While Fourth Tiger was still in the air, Second and

Third Tiger charged at Chen from opposite directions.

Chen waited until they were almost upon him before

leaping out of the way, and the two giants smashed

into each other and toppled like a great pagoda to the

ground. Before they could clamber to their feet, Chen

tied their two queues together, then with a laugh, he

walked back to Princess Fragrance's side. The Princess

clapped her hands in delight as the other Muslims

cheered and shouted.

The Four Tigers picked themselves up and the envoy

rushed over and struggled to undo the knot in Second

and Third Tigers' hair. The four giants looked across

at Chen, not in hate but in respect. First Tiger

raised a thumb in Chen's direction.

"You're good," he said. "I concede defeat." He bowed,

and the other three giants followed suit. Chen

hurriedly returned the compliment. Seeing their simple

nature, he began to rather regret the way he had

played with them.

Fourth Tiger suddenly ran over and brought back the

camel's corpse while Third Tiger led their horses over

to Muzhuolun.

"It was wrong of us to kill your camel," he said. "We

give these four horses to you in compensation."

Muzhuolun declined the offer with thanks.

The envoy was extremely embarrassed by this turn of

events. "Let's go!" he shouted to the Four Tigers and

leapt onto his horse. He turned to Princess Fragrance.

"Do you really dare to go?" he asked.

"What is there to be scared of?" she replied. She

walked over to Muzhuolun. "Father, write out a reply

and I will deliver it for you." Muzhuolun hesitated.

If she didn't go, the whole tribe would lose face, but

if he let her go, he would worry endlessly. He

motioned Chen over, and led him by the hand into the

tent with Huo Qingtong and her sister following

behind. Once inside, Muzhuolun immediately hugged him.

"Great Helmsman," he said. "What fortuitous wind is it

that has blown you here?"

"I was on my way to the Tianshan Mountains on personal

business and heard some important news which I wanted

to pass on to you. By coincidence, I met your

daughter, who brought me here." Princess Fragrance was

dumb-struck at hearing her father call Chen 'Great

Helmsman', and seeing the shocked expression on her

face, Chen said: "There is something I must apologise

for. I did not tell you that I am Chinese."

"Great Helmsman Chen is a good friend of our tribe,"

Muzhuolun added. "He recovered our sacred Koran for

us. He has saved your sister's life and recently

intercepted the Manchu army's rations which slowed

their advance and gave us time to collect our forces.

The favours he has rendered us are truly uncountable."

Chen modestly declined the compliments.

"I don't blame you at all," the Princess said with a

smile. "I'm sure you didn't tell me who you were

because you did not want to bring up all the things

you have done for us."

"That Manchu envoy was unforgivably arrogant," said

Muzhuolun. "It was fortunate that you intervened,

Great Helmsman. You certainly deflated his pride. He

chose my daughter to be our envoy. What do you think

we should do?"

Chen was reluctant to meddle in the affairs of the

tribe. "I come from the interior of China and know

nothing of the situation here, sir," he said. "If you

decide that she should go, then I will do my utmost to

protect her. If you feel it would be better for her

not to go, then we will think of some other way to

deal with him."

"Father, you and my sister worry everyday about the

affairs of the tribe," Princess Fragrance interrupted.

"Making one trip as an envoy is no big affair. And if

I don't go, the Manchus will laugh at us."

"I am just afraid that they will want to harm you,

sister," said Huo Qingtong.

"Every time you go out on the battle field you risk

your life, so it is only right that I should risk my

life this once," the Princess replied. She looked at

Chen. "He is so capable, if he goes with me I won't be

the slightest bit afraid, not at all."

Huo Qingtong could see how deep her sister's feelings

were for Chen, and an inexpressible emotion swept

through her heart.

"Father," she said. "Let her go."

"All right then, Master Chen, I entrust my young

daughter to you." Chen blushed and Princess

Fragrance's eyes, as bright as autumn rain, gazed up

at him. Huo Qingtong looked away.

Muzhuolun wrote out a reply which said simply: "We

will fight. Allah will protect us." Chen nodded his

head in approval. Muzhuolun handed the note to

Princess Fragrance, then kissed her cheeks.

"Allah will protect you, sister," said Huo Qingtong.

"I hope you come back soon." The Princess hugged and

thanked her. A feast was organised to entertain the

Manchu envoy, after which there was music and dancing

to see off the guests, then the envoy raised his hand

and galloped off with Princess Fragrance and the

others following behind. Huo Qingtong watched the

seven figures disappear into the darkness and felt a

great emptiness in her chest as if her heart had

disappeared with them into the infinite desert.

"Your sister is very brave," Muzhuolun said. She

nodded, then suddenly covered her face and ran inside

the tent.
  • intently [in´tentli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.专心地 四级词汇
  • adoration [,ædə´reiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.崇拜,敬爱 六级词汇
  • brilliantly [´briljəntli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.灿烂地;杰出地 六级词汇
  • backwards [´bækwədz] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.向后 a.向后的 六级词汇
  • martial [´mɑ:ʃəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.战争的;象军人的 四级词汇
  • corpse [kɔ:ps] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.尸体 四级词汇
  • clamber [´klæmbə] 移动到这儿单词发声 v.&n.爬;攀登 四级词汇
  • concede [kən´si:d] 移动到这儿单词发声 v.承认;给予;让步 四级词汇
  • coincidence [kəu´insidəns] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.巧合;符合;一致 四级词汇
  • modestly [´mɔdistli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.谦虚地;有节制地 六级词汇
  • reluctant [ri´lʌktənt] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.勉强的;难得到的 四级词汇
  • entrust [in´trʌst] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.委托;信托 四级词汇
