Once upon a time...A poor man and his wife lived in a little cottage, where they supported themselve...
Once upon a time...There was once upon a time a castle in the middle of a thick wood where lived an ...
Once upon a time...There was once a worthy old couple who lived on the coast, and supported themselv...
Once upon a time...There was a pig who lived with her three children on a large, comfortable, old-fa...
So off they rode, and came to an inn where were a number of people who, as soon as they saw the two ...
She had run to her little room and had quickly taken off her dress, made her face and hands black, p...
Between the fierce sun and his anger at being kept waiting, the Knight of the Fish had grown so hot ...
'I am in time, then,' he cried, dismounting very carefully, and placing the mirror against the trunk...
Once upon a time...There lived an old cobbler who worked hard at his trade from morning till night, ...
Once upon a time...There lived an old man who had only one son, whom he loved dearly; but they were ...
With these words the king bade them farewell and entered sadly into his ship. For a few days the win...
Once upon a time...Long, long ago, a king and queen reigned over a large and powerful country. What ...
'Good day, mother,' said he.'Good day, my son! What are you seeking here at the world's end?''I am f...
For a long while the lion tossed it up and down gaily, feeling that, however sound asleep the boy-br...
Once upon a time...Far away on the other side of the world there lived, long ago, a lion and his you...