will gild the future scenes of life. This unfortunate quarrel betwixt us and our countrymen, the to...
to which they stuck, and quickly communicated the flames. The British, two hundred in number, besid...
And while the churches in England were, everywhere, resounding with prayers to Almighty God, "to sp...
that morning, they had decked themselves in their richest habits, and at the first sound of our dru...
`penny wit and pound foolishness'! What sir, keep a nation in ignorance, rather than vote a little ...
His agitation was great, his voice became altered and broken; and his face kindled over with that l...
his adopted mother's little friends brought many precious things and covered his body. At the feast...
her to the last and that I die for her sake. Take this belt and give it to her. She gave it to me a...
and find out." So he went near and pinched the raccoon on the nose and then on his soft paws. The ...
they are well worked and scoured of their mother milk, or beastling partiality to the English, they...
let it go to the devil, where it belongs. So come, you must go dine with me, and I'll show you a lo...
But when the sergeant, at the order of Marion, led up to him the horse, richly furnitured, as afore...
feel the utmost stimulus to every virtue that can exalt the human character and condition! This gov...
there was but one sober man, and that was captain Neilson. It is not for language to express one th...
Then they clapped a halter round his neck, and told him to "down on his knees, and say his prayers ...